External phono-pre amp / using existing cinch inputs on 82

Posted by: uem on 01 March 2001

Dear Colleagues,
As I'm just joining this forum, I probably missed some older discussions. With interest, I followed the ideas re: removing the phono boards on the 82.
I like to change /up-grade to an external MC-phono-preamp (to fit my Benz cartridge).
As all my DIN-inputs are used already, I like to utilize the existing cinch phono input sockets WITHOUT using a board at all.
My question: Is there a way to install jumpers on the sockets, which were used for the phono board?
If yes: which ones??
Would this procedure still have an impact onto other sources (CD, Tuner, etc,)?

PS: My system: CD2/82/Hi-Cap/Ayre V-3 power amp/Wilson Benesch ACT1 (+ "nostalgic" Revox tuner & turntable)

Thanks for your feedback

Posted on: 01 March 2001 by Martin Payne

'straight' through' boards are available, which consist solely of a couple of copper tracks on otherwise bare boards.

These are not expensive, and should not have an adverse effect on performance of the 82.

cheers, Martin