The minimum distance to the sidewall for SBL

Posted by: Martin C on 22 January 2002

Hi there,

I need some advice for moving my SBL, as I am going to get a 36" widescreen TV, I have to move the SBL further apart to keep around 12inches each side to the TV, also 12inches away from the sidewall is that enough for SBL? I know, it's not ideal, but that's the only option at the moment until I move later this year.

All advices welcomed.


Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Frank Abela
I'd try it closer to the sidewall to improve dispersion towards the central listening position. i.e. place the SBLs 18 inches from the telly and 6 inches fromt he sidewall. SBLs suffer less than most with sidewalls generally.

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