Linn "Konri?"
Posted by: davewarehouse on 19 February 2002
But how can they justify 25k? Errr they can't, because they don't feel they have to! Linns customer base has changed beyond all recognition over the last 10-15 years. Remember the 'bariks, The saras, Kans, LK280s, not to mention the LP12.
What have they produced of late?
Taiwanese Keosas and Kan3s-A dog shitting on the respected kan image. 6k Keltiks with a spitty low cost HF unit, A 1k CD using a "sanyo" aka cheapest possible transport. What are they doing, and did they think no-one would notice?
While I agree that the best products are of yore, (I love my Kan 1's) they do still supprise me on occasion. I had the ninka home for a long weekend and was impressed. It is a fine speaker and miles ahead of the Kelidh ( can never remember the spelling ) whick I played with for a previous weekend and could not get to work at all.
I have never really gotten on with their electronics, primarily amps, with the odd exception ( I would love a Classic for secondary use ) For the price I paid (used) the MimikII was a steal. If I had to buy full retail, then I would have thought a LOT longer. I have heard the Ikemi for a short demo and thought it was worth another listen.
A friend of mine with an interest in yachts has mentioned that Linn is very large in this area. From the direction I have seen, they are moving focus wise into the custom whole-house solution / AV market. The 2 channel while still important is losing ground to the rest.
I'm waiting to see what the new cartidge will be like, as I want a replacement for my AT140lc.
As for their service on old products - what service?? I have been trying to get some guidance on new tweeters for my Kan's for about a year. Usually they ignore the e-mail, even when forwarded on my behalf from Linn Canada. If they do answer it is with a terse comment about being old, not supported or if your lucky a cut and paste from the FAQ ( which has changed in content while still saying nothing.)
As a side note, I ended up getting the new Linn neo tweeters, to replace my shagged scanspeaks. Linn was of no help, neither was the Linn fourm, I got more guidance here from the Naim community than I did from Linn. Craig Best and I installed them last week, and they are working out very nicely. I will post on the changes later. Props to Craig and Ron the Mon amongst others for the help !!!
(and do these speakers have to be driven by at least 4 Linn Klimaxes ....:-))
No doubt most of you will have heard about Linns new Komri loudspeaker, and I'm sure it's very good too, if early reviews are to be believed.
But how can they justify 25k? Errr they can't, because they don't feel they have to!
Remember these are STUDIO monitors. If you really want to feel ripped-off then hire a recording studio for a weekend...
Taiwanese Keosas and Kan3s-A dog shitting on the respected kan image. 6k Keltiks with a spitty low cost HF unit, A 1k CD using a "sanyo" aka cheapest possible transport. What are they doing, and did they think no-one would notice?
I agree that the Keilidhs, Tukans, Keltiks were krap. These were due to the poor quality drive units used. The latest ones finally do Linn justice.
Regarding the Sanyo... I changed from a CDX to a Genki, and didn't let the transport put me off. I agree that it could do with a more solid transport, but some things are more important that aesthetics.
Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Strikes me it will also be selling by the shed load as it has a nice image and aesthetic.
Perhaps something Linn has done right recently at the lower end of the price range
25K? Whenever I hear of a component costing that nuch I always think "Why couldn't they do it for 10?"
I've no idea whether the Komri is 'good value' or not, but what you get is a pair of loudspeakers and some fancy power amp technology for the bass. A pair of DBLs and a single NAP500 comes to about 21K without the fancy servo bass stuff and with rather fewer drive units. So in relative terms the Komri may be 'reasonably' priced.
Looking at the price list the Kairn Pro/Linto combo looks rather a bargain at UKP2350. But I see Klimax Aktiv bits at more like 5K....
These retail for about £8k each, IIRC, so 2/3rds of that price is the internal amplification.
They were playing at the Novotel show last year (active with 4x stereo Klimax for the other frequency ranges) and they were a joke.
Mind you, at the previous Bristol or Novotel (can't remember) they had Ninka's playing. I though, 'hey these aren't very god for a £5k-ish system', then found they were being driven by CD12 & multiple mono Klimaxes, probably costing 10x what I'd thought. Not a great advert for the brand. Can it really be that bad?
cheers, Martin
How can a company once so great, and still making the odd seriously good product (Read Ikemi, Classik, LP12,) stoop so low?
Maybe modern Linn is "almost hi-fi, for the overpaid?"
....A frustrated ex-Linn lover
However, what you read below may come as some re-education.
The last showing at Bristol was utterly dire, same with the couple of showings I've heard at the Novotel.
However, my more modest Genki/Kolektor/LK140/Katan system at home sounds streets ahead of the more expensive system. So what gives?
Unless a room has a good location and electrics, you are never going to hear the potential of a system at a show. All credit to Doug and Paul, who have the expertise in properly setting up a Naim system and seem to get great results, except when faced with a really dire room.
The end result is that you cannot fairly compare systems at a show. Shows are wonderful for seeing new products, sharing great music and evaluating the setup skills of the exhibitors (often in the face of adversity).
Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Thou shalt never get a good sound in a hotel room
You wonder why your set-up sounds better than dearer Linn systems:-
(1) Katans much better than Keosas/keilidhs etc etc
(2) LK140 not stressed with an easy 6 ohm load
(3) See note on Hi-Fi shows!
P.S. Have you a friend with an LK280?
If so, try to borrow it for a few days (hours, or even minutes!) I would be interested to hear your reaction! Enjoy the show!!!!
We did several CD5 to Ikemi(genkis were banned!) demos there, and the CD5 won out most of the time. Putting a Hicap on a CD5 made it 'win all the time'.
These demos were with either a Wakonda/LK140 or Nait5 and Katans/Ninkas.
The Nait5 vs Wakonda/LK140 is probably best left along at this time;)
An Aktiv linn system is still one of the most musical systems you can buy. They still can compete head to head with Naim, who I think makes the only other acceptable alternative in terms of musicality and shear tunefulness.
Originally posted by davewarehouse:
No doubt most of you will have heard about Linns new Komri loudspeaker, and I'm sure it's very good too, if early reviews are to be believed.
But how can they justify 25k? Errr they can't, because they don't feel they have to! Linns customer base has changed beyond all recognition over the last 10-15 years. Remember the 'bariks, The saras, Kans, LK280s, not to mention the LP12.
What have they produced of late?
Taiwanese Keosas and Kan3s-A dog shitting on the respected kan image. 6k Keltiks with a spitty low cost HF unit, A 1k CD using a "sanyo" aka cheapest possible transport. What are they doing, and did they think no-one would notice?
Who on this forum other than Mr Randle would change a CDX for Genki, I ask you, the idiot must be mad or tone deaf, I think probably both
Nothing to do with tone, mate!
Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Originally posted by Per Flemming:
I have considered a Karik cd-player, some 5-7 years old. Do they still service and exchange laser on these ? or should I stay away ..../Per Fl.
They should do. WHen I last had to have a service they charged a minimum of £150 though. Don't know whether this is still the case.
When considering changing my Bariks I made an arrangement to hear Keltiks...Not impressed
When I felt my LK280s were due to go,I tried LK140s...A large step backwards
To add insult to injury, a Wakonda pre sounded duller and softer than my LK1/DIRAK
....The new stuff is acceptable, it seems, to people who haven't heard the older products which were properly engineered and built
Oh, and after handling a Genki, My 1993 Karik is staying where it is!!!
Oh, and after handling a Genki, My 1993 Karik is staying where it is!!!
For that statement to make any sense you should substitute 'Ikemi' for 'Genki'. Compare like with like....
I've never heard an Ikemi, but if it is anything like as good as a Karik/Numerik and costs £1000 less then it must count as a bargain. And you get HDCD!
I have an LK280 and a collection of LK100, does anybody with an interesting amp and some good passive speakers want to do some testing?
An Ikemi sells for at least double what my karik is worth...which brings forward an interesting point
If a Karik is seen as far superior to a Genki...Why the hell has anybody bought one????
P.S. I have a stack of LK280s and love'em driving active bariks. I have a set of Saras which I'm looking to sell/swap Wanna do deal?
Comparing a Karik to a Genki is, in my opinion like with like because they both sell for the same sort of money!
That's one way to look at it.... Until you consider the 5 year warranty you'd get with a new Genki or Ikemi.
I have a Karik/Numerik. Changing to an Ikemi would free a slot in the rack and perhaps enhance HDCD encoded discs, but I don't think I'd get anything else out of it.
I have a set of Saras which I'm looking to sell/swap Wanna do deal?
I already have a set of SARAs.....