return to the fold
Posted by: Rockingdoc on 04 September 2002
Back on the Naim straight and narrow, after years wandering in the round with only my CDS2 for company. Just could't resist the bargain prices being asked for the olive-front gear at the moment. So just bought a 52/Scap, 250, and SBLs in varying states of newness. Original plan was for an active SBL with 2x250, SNAXO-HiCAP and an 82 pre-amp, but I felt the 52 was so much better on dem. I couldn't go with the 82. Thus will make do with passive SBL and single 250 for now, hope it was the right decision.
Actually, my round earth stuff is going in another room, so hopefully I can have the best of both worlds.
Has anyone else made the decision between putting most investment in the pre-amp, as opposed to going active? I couldn't dem the phono boards, so should I buy the 52 boards, or go for a separate phono stage?
[This message was edited by Rockingdoc on WEDNESDAY 04 September 2002 at 16:34.]
[This message was edited by Rockingdoc on WEDNESDAY 04 September 2002 at 18:53.]
[This message was edited by Rockingdoc on WEDNESDAY 04 September 2002 at 18:53.]
Posted on: 04 September 2002 by Neil Bennett
It's many years since I went from an 82 (with 2 Hi Caps) to a 52 (around 7). Since it was a major replacement after a burglary I didn't compare directly and went from 1 250 to 2 135's at the same time. However I just went from the 2 135's to 4 135's, a NAXO and a HI-CAP: and it was BIG change in sound. In recent times only comparable to changing the CDX to a CDSII, only greater. What impact you would get with 2 250's I don't know, especially depending also on whether you would use a S-NAXO/S-CAP to further confuse matters! However if you can find a 2nd hand 250/NAXO/Hi for a good price (maybe ~£1500 the lot?), it's got to be worth it!
Posted on: 04 September 2002 by Rockingdoc
Can the SNAXO run from the same S-CAP as the 52, or does it need its own?
Posted on: 04 September 2002 by Ron Toolsie
It is possible to power both a Snaxo and a 52 from the same Supercap, albeit it in a fashion not recommended by Naim. I have tried it and it works better than a dedicated hicap, but not as good as a dedicated supercap (which allows access to 8 regulated voltage rails via the Burndy, rather than just 2 of them via a Snaic).
See the following thread for additional info.
Snaxo Powering OptionsRon
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Posted on: 06 September 2002 by Rockingdoc
Thanks Ron, your thread was excellent. Unfortunately the 52 phono stage is important to me, so I guess going active will have to wait until I can afford the SNAXO plus another power supply (and more amps).
p.s. the stars are for Ron, I love a bit of DIY tweakery.
Posted on: 06 September 2002 by Martin Payne
this is using the phono boards in input 1.
How about if a Stageline is attached via input 2?
cheers, Martin
Posted on: 07 September 2002 by Naheed
Anyway try Ron's 52/Supercap/Snaxo alternative wiring option ???
Posted on: 08 September 2002 by Naheed
I could power the 52/Snaxo via the Supercap, but could the then redundant hicap be used to power the 52s L/D ilo of the Supercap ???
Posted on: 08 September 2002 by Ron Toolsie
I could power the 52/Snaxo via the Supercap, but could the then redundant hicap be used to power the 52s L/D ilo of the Supercap ???
The Hicaps powered output is all of 24V... this will
FRY the front panel circuitry of the 52 if hooked up to the L/D section... this takes a lower voltage tap from the 52.
I tried several times to get a dedicated Supercap to work powering only the L/D panel stuff with an additional supercap doing all the rest of the 52s juicing.. but it went into permanent mute when so configured. Apparently very early 52s can be run in this configuration with some minor improvements (especially given the cost of the extra Supercap).
Naheed... try your 52s supercap powering your Snaxo. If you like this (and you probably will), sell the Hicap and put the proceeds towards better power amplification. As good as the 140s are (and yes, I have tried the 52/140 pairing) a pair of 250s will far exceed them in every possible way.
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