Few pictures

Posted by: Arye_Gur on 30 January 2001

My system. You can see the top of the 140 on the rack (self made) behind the system, the flatcap is on a shelf under the 140.

The speakers - against the wall opposite to the system.

A private electricity power station

A picture of the northern electricity power station of Israel as was taken from my window with a 300 mm focal length lens (which means it
is shown here 6 times bigger than in reality).
As you can see, if I'll notice that something is wrong with the power supply to my appartment, I'll shout at them through my window...

thanks for the explanation.

I will post few more pictures to show you all Haifa - so you will be able to tell Omer how beautiful the city is.


[This message was edited by Arie_Gur on TUESDAY 30 January 2001 at 22:10.]

Posted on: 31 January 2001 by Arye_Gur
I have to learn how to come to a level like Vuk's pictures quality. I have a problem with the scanning - I'm not familiare with it. But wauit and see the other side of haifa - Omer will not post a month then....


Posted on: 31 January 2001 by Robbie

You can scan your pictures in the highest ppi mode,and after that you can give them more contrast and brightness in Photoshop.
After that you save them as a tiff(Mac only) or tif(PC)-file.


Posted on: 31 January 2001 by Arye_Gur
Tanks, Robbie.

This evening I'm going to install a photoshop 5.5 .

I'll follow your instruction as I don't know the material but will learn it.

BTW, the power station is a small part of the view out of my window. As I mentioned it seems 6 times bigger but I should say 6 times closer.

I have a good view of the bay and in the opposite
wall quite a big aquarium. I love the sea.
