CD5 and CD2, both offered for the same money, which one to buy ?

Posted by: hifidaddy on 03 May 2001

Having 80ies Naim gear in my lounge setup comprising 32.5+Snaps2, 101+Snaps, 140, and a CD player/DAC combo California Audio Labs Delta and Musical Fidelity Digilog (the latter heavily modded), my wife asked whether we should have a CD player visually matching to the electronic gear. Now there are both CD2 and CD5 s/h offered around locally for 2500DM (800UKP).

I would like to have you advise. Which one should I buy ?

PS: My main setup is tubes/horns and all that weird stuff.

thanks in advance,
Hartmut from Munich, German

Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Mike Hanson
I haven't heard the CD2 myself. However, it's supposed to be almost as good as a CDX. In contrast, the CD5 is a bit better that the old CD3.5, and not nearly as good as a CDX. Therefore, I would think that the CD2 would be your better choice. Yes it's older, but Naim is very good at maintaining their old gear.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
I hate to see a query go unanswered, so, although underqualified (having only heard the 5), to start the ball rolling:
The CD2 obviously would be a beeter match visually, and perhaps sonically aswell. The CD5 sounds fantastic matched with a Nait5 but it may also compliment your older amplification.
I guess the only question about the CD2 would be it's longevity over the 5.

Ah, pipped at the post (oh, I made a pun)

Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Frank Abela
I'm afraid I never really got on swith the CD2 finding it lacking in involvement and excitement. I happen to think the CDX is WAY superior to the CD2 - so much so in fact that I recommend the CD5 over a CD2! I know the CD5 well and it's a fine machine on its own, let alone with an external power supply.

The CDX trashes a CD5 (with a Hicap), so you now know what I think of the CD2.

Incidentally my view on the CD2 is not commonly held with others, either here on the forum or at the shop.


Posted on: 04 May 2001 by Chris Dolan
I agree with Frank.

I use a CDX, but I couldn't live with a CD2.

Posted on: 04 May 2001 by David Dever
I would think that the CD2 would be your better choice. Yes it's older, but Naim is very good at maintaining their old gear.

...when you can get good-quality replacement parts.

The CD2 used two different transports over its lifespan (CDM9/60: "CDM9Pro", and CDM9/44: plain ol' "CDM9"). Depending on which of the two is used in this player (the 9Pro does not suffer from the "sunken plastic platter" syndrome, as it's made of metal), I'd wait to make a final determination.

Certainly the CD5 is a fine player, too, and you may find it slightly more to your liking--and is easily serviceable.

Hope this helps,
Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 05 May 2001 by hifidaddy
I had the CD2 for a listening in my system yesterday and did not like it. It was harsh and digital and artificial sounding. Even my wife disliked it.

The CD2 OTOH always played fine in the seller's system. He uses a tube preamp (Shindo) and a small class A power amp (L'Audiophile Le Classe A).

It has been powered all the time, and only was off for one hour, then played two hours in my system.

On Monday, I am going to listen to the CD5.


Posted on: 05 May 2001 by Tim Jones
Hartmut -

Buy the CD2. I'm not going to have my rant about it all over again, but in more than one demo, for me it trashed the CDX (which sounded slow and muddy in comparison), let alone a CD5.

On a more esoteric note, I think it was the last multibit (TDA1541?) player Naim made and is a bit of a classic for that reason.

It's also one of the best sources I've ever heard for lowdown nasty music (eg early Bowie). I owned one for three years and was only prepared to replace it when I could afford a CDS2.

Tim J

Posted on: 05 May 2001 by Martin Payne

all Naim's players are multi-bit, including the current range.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 05 May 2001 by Bob Edwards

Have not heard them side by side, but I'd go for the CD2. Owned one for 3 years (with the CDM9 Pro) and it was terrific. Have heard the CD5 a fair bit and it is very good, as well as having the service advantage noted by Dave Dever, above.

In musical terms the CD2 (at least mine was) a damn good player and an order of magnitude better than the CD3/3.5. That said, it it probably more system sensitive than the CD5.


Bob Edwards

Ride the Light !o

Posted on: 06 May 2001 by David Dever
all Naim's players are multi-bit, including the current range.

The CD3.5 & CD5 use Philips' hybrid TDA1305T "bitstream continuous calibration" digital filter / 18-bit DAC--operates as a bitstream DAC at low levels (-70dB? can't remember, look at the data sheet?).

The CDS I / CDI / CD2 / CD3 all used a select variety of the multi-bit TDA1541A DAC.

The CDX and CDS II use the Burr-Brown (now a part of Texas Instruments) PCM-1702K DAC (two of--dual mono).

Dave Dever, NANA

P.S. I had a CD2 (CDM9 transport) for about a year--loved its build and musical quality.