Rack Order ?

Posted by: Ade Archer on 17 January 2002

Because it's such a pain in the backside shifting kit about, I thought I'd ask opinions first as to which order may be best for equipment in the rack. Current order from top down is:
Empty shelf
The reason I ask is that I'm borrowing an XPS (again) and obviously slotted it into the empty shelf. Thing is, even though it powers the CDX immediately above it, I wasn't sure whether to swap it and the Hicap around so that I had the smaller power supply next to a source component, keeping the large XPS and 250 further away. I felt originally that things sounded better with the 82 at the top, as far away as possible.
What do you think?


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Steve Toy
big grin

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile

Posted on: 23 January 2002 by graphoman
I think this matter reached the Highest Grade of Confusion, therefore, it is time to listen to the opinion of someone at Naim’s. After all, they have more equipment to play around than we alltogether. Come on, Paul: supposing you have two racks of Fraim (or some similar items to them), base+2 levels each, where would you put CDS, its supply, preamp, its supply, amp?


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Rico
Try as you might Master Toy, your spirit of devisivness only serves to tar you further with your little brush.

Stick to the racks, quit taking pot-shots at the others and get on with it, yes?

A snappy for your emoticon, Paul! outstanding work. smile

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Steve Toy
If the cap fits...

Some members of the clique get rather uppity if anyone challenges the viewpoint of a (fellow) elder, better and been at it longer.

The esprit is a collective one, and I merely suggest that a few individuals shoud not set themselves above and apart from the rest in their little "lodge."

This is not divisive - quite the opposite!

New blood brings new ideas and new approaches.

Embrace them.


It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile

Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Rico
new ideas are the lifeblood of a society. I note your embrace - and trust you are enjoying it.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Paul Ranson
A snappy for your emoticon, Paul! outstanding work.

I nicked it.

(But I'm not letting on where.....)

Remember, thread drift can be good!


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Rico
Remember, thread drift can be good!

yes indeed, but do be alert for understeer.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 24 January 2002 by Dr. Exotica
I queried how to arrange my existing equipment on a new five shelf rack that I was taking delivery of this week (junking the sideboard).

Martin Payne suggested:

The CD3.5 will have a transformer it's the right-hand side, so put the 32.5 on the left-hand side of it's level.

Put the 110 on the right-hand side, again to avoid transformer problems.

Then put the HiCap on the left side, and the SNAPS on the right.

Note: the LP12 sits on the top shelf.

After listening to a new Maria Callas disk, I can confirm that the Soundesign Penta with Martin's suggested arrangement sounds significantly better than the old sideboard.

Jeez - the Maria Callas gave me goose bumps it sounded so good. This is the first time I have had this experience with my Naim gear (it is also the first time it has been set up reasonably correctly).

Thanks again to Martin and others (e.g., Mike Sae) that suggested this route.
