Wowhooo juz got my naim cd5 & nait 5

Posted by: maserluv on 15 June 2002

Hi guys...

juz sharin my joy!!! njoyin my music now smile

btw currently usin a kef cresta2 2 play music smile
if u were mi, which will u upgrade first

1. flatcap2
2. speaker

if choose no. 2, which speaker do u recommend??
Posted on: 15 June 2002 by Andrew Randle
Well the KEFs are fine loudspeakers and therefore I would definitely go for a flatcap2 next. Then 112/150, then loudspeakers.


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 15 June 2002 by Arthur
Yes, go for the flatcap; it'll add substantially! But wait till your boxes are "burned in", you'll be amazed when you add the fc. You can always upgrade the speakers after that - or go the 112/150 route.


Posted on: 15 June 2002 by maserluv
mmm... wat improvement will it make man... better control?? in which area... interested 2 noe more abt it....
Posted on: 04 July 2002 by maserluv
the sound is gettin better & better each dae man!!!

yo guys.... i got a situation. currently using a 2 tier rack but i have 4 components. how do u think i should place them??

(Option 1)
---top tier--- tuner
---bottom tier--- cd5 on top of nait5
---floor--- flatcap

OR (Option 2)

---top tier--- flatcap
--- bottom tier--- cd5 on top of nait5
---floor--- tuner

OR (Option 3)

---top tier--- cd5
---bottom tier--- nait5 on top of flatcap
---floor--- tuner

OR (Option 4)

---top tier--- cd5 on top of nait5
---bottom tier--- flatcap
---floor--- tuner

OR (option 5)

---top tier--- nait5
---bottom tier--- cd5 on top of flatcap
---floor--- tuner

OR any other better option....

geee thanks!!!!
*im not gettin any new rack s im goin 2 a new hse soon... will but a new rack when the time comes

Posted on: 05 July 2002 by Frank Abela
From your last post it looks like you've already bought a flatcap...

I'm all for balance myself. In my view I would have gone for a pair of speakers that will allow an open window on the Naim gear, and bring much bigger benefits when upgrading. As a start, I'd suggest:

Naim Intro2

Dynaudio Audience 42 (£400) on Dynaudio Masterstands (£200).

EPOS m12 (£500), probably on Masterstands again.

Dynaudio Audience 52 (£577) definitely on Masterstands.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 05 July 2002 by Mr_Sukebe
Why buy brand new?
Speaker technology doesn't appear to have moved on at anywhere near the speed of CD / amp technology.

Save yourself a bunch of cash and check out Loot an Ebay.
e.g. how about a set of Keliedhs for £250 (loot).
Posted on: 05 July 2002 by maserluv
Hi frank,

wrong guess from u smile i have not buy the flatcap yet. but i always like to plan ahead... so it eliminate the time when installin the new equipment.

neverthless i will keep in mind those speakers tat u have suggested. good work!!!

though i have not heard the dynaudio b4 but im rather impress wif her durin one of the visit at my frds hse. the onli worry i have is the nait5 might not have the juice to drive it...
Posted on: 05 July 2002 by Steve Toy

I think that on a computer forum, it is not necessary to write as though you are sending SMS text messages. wink

Gr8 post M8.

CU l8R

Posted on: 12 July 2002 by maserluv
amazing!!! they are getting better & better wach day... yes not a linear process but definely improving.. was further so after connecting it with my spare tuner over a few night - Luxman t-1 fm stereo.

Way to go man!!!