prize of s/h HiCap

Posted by: jpk73 on 26 July 2001


Somebody offers me a s/h HiCap, made in 1994. Does anybody know the prize of a brandnew HiCap in 1994?

Thanks, Jun

Posted on: 27 July 2001 by jpk73
> what's it matter what it cost new in 1994?

This guy wants a prize which is higher than the 1994-prize - - Is this OK in your opinion?


Posted on: 27 July 2001 by Stephen Bennett

H-caps today go from 300 UKP (old style, old, un recapped if yer lucky) to about 500 UKP (new style, vgc ,a couple of year old). A middle aged new style recap goes for about 400 UKP. The 1994 price is irrelevant. This is what the market supports. Check for comparisons. I just got a 8 year old, new style, mint, non recapped for 350 UKP. I'm happy.



Posted on: 27 July 2001 by Chris Dolan
FWIW my Hicap was bought new in April 1993 (probably just after the price had gone up!).

The receipt says it cost £582.80 (altho' I have to say I did not recall that it cost that much before I checked the receipt - I must have received a bonus) a brand new one at list price would be a bargain!?

I'm saving for a Supercap, so I'd take half current list price for my Hicap.
