Workless SuperCap...?

Posted by: jpk73 on 14 October 2001

How many /15ths of the S-Cap does the Prefix and the S-Naxo2-4 use: Is it possible to (re)wire a Prefix *and* a S-Naxo2-4 to a S-Cap at the same time?

Best wishes from Jun!

Posted on: 14 October 2001 by Martin Payne
Dunno about the 2-4, but the 3-6 uses pretty much all of the Supercap.

Powering a Prefix as well would create an earth loop.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 30 October 2001 by jpk73

I found the following pictures in the manual (see attached file): Does this mean that I could use one Supercap instead of 2 HiCaps, e.g. for CD3.5 and 92?

Regards, Jun

P.S.: Alex, don't worry, today the SC arrived, I will use it for my 82!

Posted on: 31 October 2001 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Jun Keller:
Does this mean that I could use one Supercap instead of 2 HiCaps, e.g. for CD3.5 and 92?

Earth loop again, apparently.

Still, I have been told that it sometimes works well.

If something breaks, don't blame me!!

cheers, Martin