Getting hi res files onto unitiserve
Posted by: Focus on 05 July 2012
The easiest way to do this is navigate to the Unitiserve in Windows file explorer, you will see two folders one called Music which you should not touch and another called Downloads that is for you. Copy your file to there and scan the data and you are all set.Check you have the latest 4a version of the manual as that is the update.
I suspect Focus is assuming that you can put the USB stick into the UnitiServe and copy it that way - Lumos is exactly right, put the memory stick into your computer and copy the files into the "Downloads" share on the UnitiServe.
(The Music folder is Read Only on the network and so you cannot write to that directly.)
Dear Focus,
First of all do not be intimidated by high resolution files; they are just like any other media files that you wish to play. On the new 2TB Unitiserves Naim have made the process drag and drop. Moreover, your choice of the Unitiserve means that you will not get into any of the issues using third party UPnP servers, the Naim one included with your hardware is by far the best on the market and mine has not missed a beat in 4 months (I have just ordered a second). Plug it in to power, connect to network (preferably by ethernet), connect digital out to your audio system, then either rip your music or copy to the downloads folder. The iPad app is by far my favourite way of accessing the unit.
I am around this weekend so either ask here or PM me and I am sure that you will be loving your unit before lunch tomorrow.
Very best,
Let me know if you can help
My experience with hi res audio is limited to WAV and FLAC and I have never bothered to convert my very limited DVD Audio titles. However you seem to be getting there; does the order that the tracks play have any discernible pattern, is it rip order, alphabetical, track number embedded in the track info. Do you have a large number of DVD-A to convert; if not you could do the brute force thing and create a playlist in the correct order, but I hope it does not come to that.
Let me know if you can help
What format did you rip to? Do you create the recommended folder structure with a folder for the artist and inside a subfolder with the album name?
I have ripped a few dvd's and track names often is not included, I have not really looked into this since the rips are usually of extra material and not high resolution versions of albums anyway.
It is probably best to rip to flac not wav but I cannot remember if dvd extractor can do this.
Claus's response made me remember a small issue that might be related. Once when I ended up with a broken structure as a result of not having the correct artist-album structure merely correcting it and rescanning it made no difference. In the end I deleted the source files, rescanned then added the correctly structured files and rescanned again. All was good then.