When Dinosaurs Ruled The Web
Posted by: Nick Lees on 21 July 2012
This morning I was searching for something and a page turn up from archive.org. Interesting.
So I popped the old naim-audio.infopopnet address in there and this is what I found. This was the second generation forum, the first Infopop one, before the Groupees version.
This was home. This was and still is, as captured statically in these screens, the best place on the web. Ever. Nothing has touched it since (obviously in my opinion).
The software wasn't cutting edge, even then, but boy did it do the job well.
The landing strip. Music, Hi-Fi, or Wibble.
Music. Note the number of views even threads with no replies got. Every corner of the musical universe got trawled.
Hi-Fi. No need to worry about streamers, or video. We were still eagerly awaiting the replacement for NACA5 mind...
Wibble. Seriously good. Hilariously bad.
Still a few of the faces around, even if the names have changed. Polarbear was in mid-upgrade frenzy, Berlin Fritz was bonkers, Mike Parry was Colonel Blimp and Mike Lacey was Corporal Clegg. Dr. W was as measured and informed as he is today.
Hello Hoop-La.
Edit: I thought I've inserted proper hyperlinks (with nice neat names) but clearly I'm not clever enough any more.