Selection issue with n-stream following streamer 3.16 update
Posted by: Kev T on 03 September 2012
Hello all,
I updated to the 3.16 streamer version over the weekend and initially I was quite pleased with the changes. However...
Tonight I was browsing my music library on my ipod touch using n-stream and noticed that if you have a number of albums by a particular artist, so that the screen is full, there is a problem. At the bottom of the screen there is a black band, if the last album is covered by the black band you cannot select it to play! Annoying!
I've tried scrolling up until the album comes into view, but then as soon as you go to select it, it drops back under the black band and cannot be selected! I have also tried scrolling and holding the album in view with one finger and trying to select with the other hand, but it does not allow you to do this.
Has anyone else had trouble with this?