Twonky does not sort by artist

Posted by: Rankinnz on 18 September 2012

I've been ripping all my CDs onto a QNAP 409 pro that my brother gifted to me, using dbpoweramp. I upgraded the version of twonkymedia to v6 and then a few days ago to version 7.0.9.  I have tried all the media navigation trees (the preference being to use the advanced for 10,000 tracks), but I cannot seem to get the trees to sort by artist. All other sorts via album, genres etc are fine. The artist sort always returns as an album sort. I look at the meta data through media monkey and the artist and album artist fields appear to be populated correctly ( by and large).

I've tried disabling, removing, re-installing, re-starting the server , but only ever managed to get back to my current position. Twonky does not sort by any of the artist trees; always by artist. Very frustrating, as I can't remember album titles! I did revert back to 6.0.38, no change, so then reverted to 7.0.9. No other issues.

Has anyone got any ideas? Thanks.

Posted on: 18 September 2012 by PG

What type of file are you creating?


My experience with Twonky is that WAV end up in the 'by folder'  

Posted on: 20 September 2012 by Rankinnz

Flac all stored by folder. No issue with the ripping, tags etc. on the advice of someone else I setup another upnp server on the NAS to test it. Unfortunately nStream will only work in upnp compatibility mode with the new server, sorts by artist etc, but no artwork! Plug player and Kinsky will work with the new server, but they are not quite as good as the new nStream! I can only conclude that my music files are fine, but for some reason Twonky will not sort by artist.

Posted on: 20 September 2012 by Lebowski

Just double checked as I also use dbpoweramp/QNAP/Twonky 6.0.39 and on the n-Stream I get Artist, Artist Index and Artist/Album sort trees, all of which work exactly as you would expect.  I can only think that you have not selected a suitable Media Receiver option in the Twonky configuration.  I use 'Linn Kinksky Desktop' for both the IPad and NDX.  I alo use Advanced Navigation Tree Settings.


I supppose you could also try clicking the rebuild database option in Twonky and also clear the uPNP cache in nStream.


Hope you crack it.

Posted on: 20 September 2012 by Rankinnz

I'm currently using the latest version of Twonky (7.nn) and tried going back to 6.0.39 and .38, but still the same. It's not the client because when I look at Twonky through the server the advanced navigation trees are there with the same issue - anywhere there should be artist sorting, it sorts by album title. Any client such as nStream, Kinsky, Plugplayer just display what is available from Twonky.


Tried new versions, changing the navigation trees, restarts, re-builds etc, all to no avail.


I have also just tried a new upnp server (Minimserver), which I loaded onto the QNAP and it looks at the same directories and sorts quite correctly by artist, album, genre etc. Unfortunately it doesn't work so well with nStream - have to put it into upnp compatibility mode, no artwork. However it does prove that the music files, directories appear to be okay.


Frustrating issue, as apart from this niggle I am more than happy!