Old music magazines

Posted by: Kevin-W on 12 December 2012

Dear all


I have hundreds of old music mags - Mojos, Uncuts, NMEs, Record Collectors, Q, etc etc going back tothe 1980s - which need to be gpt rid of before we drown under them.


I could of course just give them to the Council for recycling but it would be quite nice if I could sell them. Does anyone know where's the best place to srtart looking? Or even if there is actually a market for this kind of thing?





Posted on: 12 December 2012 by Richard S

I once sold copies of the first dozen editions of Mojo on ebay a while back. At the time they went for a few quid each; especially issue 1. My advice on ebay is to perform an advanced search and look at completed listings - that way you can see what items actually sell for, rather than the hopeful prices sometimes asked for. A page of red unsold listings tells me not to bother and either recycle or donate to charity shops.