The only consolation I can offer, Chris, is that we live in a society (referring here to Western Civilization in general) where soon there will be very few restrictions on anything involving social behavior. When that Nirvana is achieved, we will be able to engage in any kind of behavior whatsoever, imbibe any substance whatsoever, and athletics will reflect those values (or rather lack thereof.) It will be is a world in which anything truly does go. Tough shit on the athlete who wants to be all she or he can be without doping. Sports will be is nothing other than big business and all more important than real life. Don't get me wrong--I have been a big sports fan most of my life--in the true meaning of "fan--atic" I dropped out last year--largely due to drugs and high ticket prices. Getting ass raped never really was my thing. Trust me, though--it had nothing to do with the fact that none of my teams in any sport was doing worth a damn!
Best regards,