Nigerian schoolgirls kidnap

Posted by: JamieWednesday on 05 May 2014

I mean, wtf?!?!


A) I don't remember this even being reported. Now, apparently it happened while I was away but I would have thought it should have been fairly high up the agenda on a regular basis since then (3 weeks ago), what with over 200 school children missing...

B) In the name of Allah?

C) In the same name, the kidnappers intend to sell the children on the 'market'..?

D) Who, What, Where TF are the Nigerian government, military and law enforcement agencies in all this? OK, I know it's complicated in that part of Nigeria in a complicated part of the world but again, wtf?

E) If they can't/won't do something about it, then is this a case for intervention by other nations if ever there was?

F) If this was in North America, Europe, most of Australasia I suspect the story would have been somewhat different over last few weeks


I am just incredulous this is carried out by anyone at all. The same in the name of anyone's 'God'. And it's passing the world by it seems.

Posted on: 06 May 2014 by backfromoz

On the 1 pm BBC radio 2 news it was said that the British Govt have offered help to the Nigerian Govt. I do not believe this will be taken up.


A senior member of the Nigerian Govt has condoned this appalling event.


My main concern is why has the Islamic World not spoken out against this act . Is it acceptable in Islamic Worlds to kidnap young girls and to then sell them into marriage and nobody apart from the parents are upset.


I believe similar things are happening in Northern Kenya and other Northern African countries Islam has imposed itself upon the country.


A very worrying development in that part of the world

