Posted by: Lionel on 11 September 2014
Not guilty of murder.
It seems likely, though, that he will be convicted of culpable homicide.
That is the conclusion I anticipated. I did not read anything that seemed to prove deliberate intent to kill her.
I suspect still a fairly long sentence.
Not as long as hers mind you.
And yet Joe Public seems to be condemning the judge already.
Even though she's the one who has sat through the whole trial and the evidence presented to her and (with her advisers help) is the person qualified to assess the guilt.
Sure, he may have come across as a very unpleasant person, a killer who committed (what turned out to be) an outrageous act, but that does not prove him to be a murderer. 'Just' a killer.
I think the judge seems rather impressive, the bits of her judgment I heard whilst I was having my lunch a model of clear thinking.
The 'public' want vengeance. The Law provides Justice. Trail by judge not by mob (or indeed by jury)
I agree that on the analysis ascribed to the judge I can see why she dismissed the prosecution's case for murder. Mind you the circumstances surrounding this killing makes me grateful for the stringent gun controls we have in the UK.