My avatar has gone!
Posted by: Klyde on 21 December 2014
Sorry, if I caused offence by using a a piccy of a Klyde cartridge as my avatar. Was it you, that removed it Richard? You naughty boy! I seem to remember you warning us, re copyrite. I respect that, and have have changed avatar to the first pic I found in my bank.. It's a controversial one, of a man in a Halloween costume, which were being sold, by a well kown supermarket They also had costumes with "psycho", and "mental patient" on them. I found these items very offensive. I am a retired Psychiatric Nurse. And have suffered from mental illness myself.
I will try to put a pic of me on there, as soon as I can find one which portrays me in a reasonable light.
Seasons greetings Phil (Klyde)
P.S. If you read my bio, you will see that I am trying hard to give up my Skottish allegiance. I've allraedy moved further south, somewhere between Salisbury and Stroud!