Keep IT Simple, Stupid (KISS)
Posted by: Don Atkinson on 10 February 2015
Standardised European Rules of the Air
The UK implementation of significant elements of the European Union’s Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA) has been delayed.
As a result, there will be no changes to the UK Rules of the Air stemming from SERA that will impact UK pilots.
The changes to be introduced on 4 December 2014 resulting from SERA will only be those that replicate existing UK rules.
SERA will replace most, but not all, of the UK Rules of the Air Regulations and there will be a small number of significant changes to UK rules that pilots, air traffic controllers, aerodrome operators and anyone else involved in the operation of aircraft need to be aware of.
These include key changes to:
- Visual Meteorological Conditions
- Cruising Levels
- VFR at night
- Special VFR
- Rights of way on the ground
None of the changes to flight rules or weather mimima overrule the limitations and privileges of pilot licences. Therefore it is important for pilots to understand the applicable minima for their licence.
The above statement was recently issued by the UK Civil Aviation Authority. Harmonisation of EU aviation safety activity has been on-going for more than 10 years and we haven't really reached the starting line yet............well, some bits have and some bits haven't ! Those bits that have, have drawn widespread criticsism and much of it has had to be re-drafted.
The Standardised European Rules of the Air were due to come into force last December. The UK has effectively opted out for the time being.
None of us at the front end of the business have a clue what the rules are. We know they are standardised, but each country has it own version................!
Enjoy your flights over the comming months or years.