Kurt Cobain - Montage of Heck

Posted by: joerand on 02 June 2015

This film is apparently doing well in the UK and several critics seem to have liked it. I'd be interested to hear what folks here thought of it. My thoughts below ...



Not surprisingly, this was not an upbeat film. It's based largely on home videos (many very personal) and Cobain's notebooks that contain diary-like entries and drawings of his angst with society. There are also interviews with Cobain's parents, step-mother, sister, first girl friend, and wife. For me, it lent some understanding as to why Cobain took his life at the pinnacle of Nirvana's success and not long after his daughter's first birthday. I thought the film did a good job of portraying Cobain's troubled youth after his parent's divorce and his struggles coping with school as a teen. Though I appreciate Nirvana's music and Cobain's creativity, his lifestlye, drug use, and marriage to Courtney Love appeared overly dismal to me, the only bright spot being his relationship with his infant daughter. This is a long, tough, thought-provoking film and I'm glad to have watched it along with my son, who is a big fan of Nirvana, but it's probably not one I'll ever watch again.