Calling Tony62
Posted by: Mr Underhill on 26 April 2011
Hi Tony,
Your thread got knocked off course - have you made any progress?
Original Tony62 post:
Dear all,
This is my first post but I have read the forum on and off for a while with interest. It's time to change my old active 92 / 2 x 90 / flatcap CD3.5 Naim Credo set up that has given great pleasure for the past 12 years. It still sounds pretty fantastic but I have the opportunity and desire to upgrade.
Like many, a lot of my exploration of new (to me) music listening is done through the macbook and i tunes. Currently, I hook up to my hi-fi via a Cambridge DAC. The results have been pretty good from downloads but even better from a ripped a CD, especially in WAV.
I am considering setting up a wired network to my iMac. In the future my computer will be my music library with most of my CD's ripped to it or a NAS. This tempted me to do some listening at the dealer. I am pretty much settled on replacement amplification - I reckon on 202/200/HiCap/napsc
There seem to me to be three (Naim) options
a) NDX
b) nServe and nDAC
c) NDX and nServe
I have heard my macbook / wav files at the dealers through the above set up with nDAC and Ovator 400 speakers. I have also heard my macbook through the same combination with NDX. My preference to date is the NDX but I am not decided. My dealer doesn't have an nServe to compare.
It seems to me on paper that the sound quality advantage should go to nServe and nDAC. Am I right in saying that combination should provide much higher quality rips from CD than my iMac but still be able to read my itunes library via a wired connection through the addition of some software or just straight - once my i tunes library is converted to WAV or the like?
Has anyone compared performance of nServe and nDAC versus nServe and NDX?
I would be interested in your observations as to the pros and cons.
Finally, I loved the Ovator 400's but they may be a little on the large size. Without redesigning the lounge / furniture - and the necessary domestic consent - I may not have enough space for them. Any suggestions for other speakers, that work well with Naim amps, to demo?
Thank you