Strange MacMini happenings.

Posted by: BigH47 on 28 October 2015

A couple of things that are happening in my streaming section. 

1) Spotify doesn't stay connected permanently although varying in time periods it goes to the re-starting drop down.


2) As Tidal says "HiFi" mode is only available in with Chrome browser I use that, but for some reason it won't stay logged on. Next day I click on Chrome icon to start again, which it does but has a Chrome failed to clear down correctly banner.


3) My small LG TV that I use for the MacMini shuts down after a set period as I would expect, but sometimes without any input devices being used the TV lights up. TV is HDMI connected, MM keyboard and mouse are wireless Bluetooth.


Upstairs the Mu-So randomly switches on too.


I suppose I could get a priest to come and clear the house but I suspect there is another more likely cause.


Any ideas?