The Ultimate Upgrade - Ear, Ear
Posted by: Redmires on 16 February 2016
After suffering a heavy cold last month, my ears had been blocked up for a couple of weeks. It felt like I was going deaf in one ear, with very restricted sound in the other. I went to see the Doc who checked them out. The first question he asked was "Do you wash your hair in the shower ?". He explained that my ear canals were blocked by a mixture of ear wax and dead skin flakes. The detergents in the shampoo & soap had caused the flaky skin and he suggested using ear plugs when showering to prevent this. He went on to prescribe an ear spray and yesterday I went back to have my ears syringed. Total revelation - my hearing is back, and better than ever (or certainly for a long time). He also suggests using olive oil every now again just to keep them clear.
I've never heard of the shampoo issue before and was wondering if this is common knowledge. I know there's a handful of medical people on the forum so it would be interesting to hear other views on the subject. I can't remember a thread on here which discusses the best way to look after our precious organs but any advice is welcome (aside from the obvious - don't listen at loud volumes and never put anything bigger than your finger into your ear) and I know that cotton buds are a no no. Anyway, I'll give the earplugs in the shower a try, and the occasional squirt of olive oil.