Home Insulation Grant Cold Calls
Posted by: Dungassin on 14 July 2011
Today I have had the usual run of cold calls from various companies. At about 4.30pm I get yet another cold call, this one from what sounded like an Indian based called centre. As usual, I was in the loo! I was asked how long since my home insulation was installed etc. I asked what organisation he was from (couldn't understand what he replied), but apparently they are doing it at our government's instigation. I cut the caller (who's English was far from perfect) off and replied that our house is fully double glazed, cavity wall insulated, and that the loft has the usual insulation and is FLOORED, hence not suitable for further insulation. I then proceeded to say that I get this same call almost every week, and always give the same reply. The call was abruptly cut off. I had not raised my voice or used abusive language, although I am sure my exasperation was quite clear from my tone.
2 minutes later I received a call from another Indian sounding voice purporting to be the first caller's supervisor, saying that I had been abusive to their operator (I hadn't). He wouldn't stop speaking to let me get my side in, informing me that the calls were recorded etc etc, and after 5 minutes I put the phone down having had enough.
If this is a genuine government initiative, why don't they keep records of who has been contacted already? As far as I know it is not COMPULSORY to upgrade home insulation. If I thought my insulation was inadequate I would have done something about it myself - and did, when we moved in here.
Seriously thinking about contacting my local MP to complain.