Putting nac n 272 inside dresser salon
Posted by: Sharon Kabir on 24 October 2016
Can i put the nac n 272 into a dresser in the living room ?will there be a problem with the antenna signal?
I'm not sure anyone can give you a definite answer, but there is a chance of a weaker signal. Presumably you are using WiFi? If you can give it a wired connection, you can put it wherever you like.
Will it have enough ventilation in a closed cabinet? Watch out for overheating.
Thanks . Good points to think .
It's far form ideal from the SQ point of view as well.
So long as the dresser is wood and has very little metal in it, the dresser shouldn't make much difference to the WiFi signal (i.e. only very slightly weaker).
I would be concerned about ventilation and the consequential operating temperature rather than wifi signal or sound quality.
Is there a problem if I buy a racehorse and use it to give kids rides on the beach?
What sort of horse we are talking about? How many kids? What ever you do add a PS and full loom SL/AQ vodka!
...and be careful how much vodka you give to the horse!