I've been using Asset upnp for the last few days and have to say it works very well with the NDX - particularly with my DBpoweramp WAV rips, which is to be expected I guess and the reason I decided to use Asset in the first place.
It has also found my itunes files held on the laptop and although these are all in ALAC, it streams them as WAV to the NDX. However, I notice that with the itunes files, only about 15% show up with cover art on the n-Stream. There doesn't seem to be any reason why some cover-art shows and some doesn't (All the cover-art is there in itunes, on the ipod etc..). The issue is only with itunes files. With the DBpoweramp WAV rips, all the cover-art shows up with no issues.
It's not a biggie as I shall probably disable the itunes folder anyway (I have all the stuff that's on itunes ripped to WAV on a separate hard disc, not yet connected to the computer).
So the question is, why do only some itunes files show cover-art and some not?
Posted on: 06 August 2011 by Simon-in-Suffolk
One thought is, you have a mixture of folder art on iTunes. Art that iTunes has assigned itself and stores the art internally in iTunes own internal database, and other files you have manually added art using iTunes, in which case iTunes will put the art into the file itself. Only the latter is available to asset.
Posted on: 06 August 2011 by Richard Dane
yes, good thinking. Looking at the files that show artwork, I do recall a few of them were definitely pieces of artwork I had to add myself because iTunes either got it wrong or couldn't find the artwork itself.
Posted on: 06 August 2011 by DavidDever
Doug's Scripts should be able to resolve this issue - I use various cover art scripts to normalize behavior between iTunes and Squeezebox Server....
Posted on: 06 August 2011 by likesmusic
Squeezebox Server > Settings > iTunes has an "Extract iTunes Artwork (experimental)" checkbox - which might help in the particular case of squeezecenter. iTunes hides artwork away for stuff it rips itself, but if you use dBpoweramp to rip to any acceptable format and then load into iTunes you don't subsequently get a problem with retrieving the artwork with other players.