Can I change text size in Naim App
Posted by: ermine on 07 February 2017
Running Naim app ver 1.8 on Android on Samsung Galaxy Young
Having finally beaten this into submission so it works* (NAC272 and Synology DS212j running minimserver), I find the app tries to get 11 lines of text into 7.5 cm of screen height. To my eyes that's just a little bit too small. I can read it but aiming a digit is pretty hit and miss.
Am I being a prize berk or is there really no way to get the text bigger? Tried the old two finger squeeze and stretch, but nothing happens, and there seems no setting for that.
Perhaps it isn't designed for a phone or Naim assume people using their gear are well-heeled enough to all have iPads, but I did want to eliminate dumb operator syndrome before getting a cheap Android tablet for this particular job
* thanks to you good people here. The answer was to disengage UPnP compatibility in the app, it seems UPnP from a Synology box will not cross my wired Ethernet that hosts the 272 and the Synology to the wifi the phone is on. The app sees servers on computers which is also on the wired Ethernet just fine, which is odd, implying a Synology/app interaction. But canning UPnP compatibility made it go.