Meicord, Supra or something else?
Posted by: Finkfan on 24 July 2017
I currently have a cheap "cat7" cable running from my router in the middle of my house to my "office". The cable is 20m long and plugs into a switch. That switch feeds computer, sky etc and also has a 2m run, again in cheap "cat7", to a switch before the 272. A 1m Supra cat8 is between that switch and the 272. I'd like to have a dedicated run from my router to the switch at the 272. The cable will need to be 20m long. I currently listen to a lot of music via Tidal Hifi so improving the sound here would be great. I would assume I stand to gain improvement by having a dedicated feed from my router, but my question is should I go with a Supra, Meicord or alternative cable, without spending silly money?