(Older) Pre-Amp with internal power supply + RC
Posted by: uem on 27 October 2017
Dear all,
Which of the (older ?) NAIM Pre-Amps has an internal power supply + RC?
It could be even be a “vintage” type, (including Chrome bumper, olive green), but of course also a somewhat newer model.
Essential, as mentioned: Stand-alone unit, with Internal power supply AND Remote Control (Chrome bumper will not qualify here, I guess
Thanks for you info
PS: it is intended for my "stand-by" & office - HIFI System, with active monitors
You're looking at a Nait 3R if you need an internal power supply and remote but I'm not sure you can use just the pre section with the onboard power supply. Once you add an external ps (flat cap) you can look for a 92R which is half a Nait 3R without the noisy power supply in the same box.
The product history shows a NAG preamp made for Linn in the mid 70s which used mains power for its last year of production. I'd not heards about these and you're unlikely to find one. In any case it won't have remote.
NAC 172? not old but meets your requirements, not that cheap yet secondhand.
Rega Cursa, if you can live without the leading edge.
Urs, Naim analogue pre-amps (new or old) don't come with an internal power supply. The closest you'll get is something like a NAC-N172 or a NAC-N272 pre-amp/dac/streamer both of which have an internal power supply.
yeti42 posted:...The product history shows a NAG preamp made for Linn in the mid 70s which used mains power for its last year of production. I'd not heards about these and you're unlikely to find one. In any case it won't have remote...
The PNAG was an add-on MC step-up pre-pre-amp for the early NAC12 pre-amp. It came in two boxes - pre-pre-amp (PNAG) and power supply (NAPS). NAC12s that came with a PNAG were sometimes labelled as a NAG12.
What source will you be using? If, being an office system, that is a computer, a V1 might fit the bill.
If you just want a pre with no digital input, you would need to use an integrated amp with a pre out - which some have, but not all.
Thanks guys,
Looks like there is no way around an external PSU for pre-amps .
I tried to remember my evaluation for my entry set-up to NAIM some 20 odd years ago and thought there was a “stand-alone” pre-amp, but it appears my memory lets me down. (well, I didn’t’ have one of those for sure !!)
Maybe you were thinking of preamps which took a power supply from the power amp instead of from a separate PSU in its own box?
As mentioned above, only the preamps with digital inputs can be self powered, which means 172, 272 and V1.
If your office source is a computer, the V1 dac might work for you, coupled to active speakers.
The V1 Looks rather cute indeed (reminds me of my shoebox-type entry System ) -
IF I were in search of a digital only device, this would be a possible favourite....
I’ll keep my eyes open for an entry-level (and cheap) used conventional analogue-only pre-amp, with NAPSC, flat-cap, or such.
uem posted:Thanks guys,
Looks like there is no way around an external PSU for pre-amps .
I tried to remember my evaluation for my entry set-up to NAIM some 20 odd years ago and thought there was a “stand-alone” pre-amp, but it appears my memory lets me down. (well, I didn’t’ have one of those for sure !!)
Urs, the 'internal' power supplies for earlier (Olive & CB) pre-amps are contained in the NAP 140, and (olive only) NAP 180 power amps.
So if you want the CB or Olive type pre-amp you will need a power-amp which has an on board pre-amp power supply. This two box amp is okay but will beg a hi-cap to dedicate the power-supply to pre-amp, and if including the hi-cap option will bring the box count to three; pre-amp / power-amp (with internal PS) / and optional hi-cap which is recommended for it's benefit for sonic quality.
If you want one box olive or CB integrated simplicity you could use a nait, but if you need a remote control look for a more modern integrated amp as peoples have suggested above : )
For a retro vibe, how about a 42 with snaps. The phono boards would be ideal if you plan to use a record player. You should be able to get them for £400 or so. A modern option would be the recently discontinued 172xs, which includes streaming and internet radio, and could be useful.
Thanks again !
I'm not really on a "retro-trip"....As indicated I had this wrong recollection about a stand-alone pre-amp
Hence, as suggested, , I'll have to go a bit more towards a modern model, with an external PSU