UnitiQute not so cute after all
Posted by: n1ikosgi on 15 January 2018
A rather frustrated owner of 2 qutes. I never truly and fully warmed up to those machines:
-First with the intermittent streaming issues I have been facing -mentioned at other posts and no, I don't feel I need to rearrange my house or have special dispensations for Naim when equipment at a fraction of the cost seems to stream perfectly ceteris paribus.
-Second a stream -excuse the pun- of upgrades shortly after I purchased them; first a Qute 1 upgrade, then Qute 2 comes out in quick succession, making you wonder if the product was ready in the first place
-Last, the screen; that beautifully archaic, Amstrad-type green OLED, straight out of the 80s. It's so dim I can't tell if it's on now, despite always having it turn it self off automatically and treating it like a princess. Yes, I can use my iPhone to control the damned bricks, but that is laughable.
Yes the sound is great when it works, but the design flaws are astonishing and have made the experience a terrible one.
Naim have been completely silent when I asked for help, to add insult to the injury. Filed under lessons learned.