Any remaining Keith Monks RCM owners?
Posted by: Hmack on 21 January 2018
I have a Keith Monks Discovery RCM which has worked very well for me over a number of years.
Unfortunately, I haven't used the machine for a few months, and it appears that the suction tubing has become pretty blocked, because the amount of suction is nowhere near what it ought to be. I am pretty sure the problem is the a tube blockage and not the pump itself which sounds fine. There is quite a bit of discolouring of sections of the tubing (especially at the outlet end) pointing to a likely build up of mould of some sort in the tubing.
Have any other KM RCM owners experienced similar problems, and have you managed to resolve them without returning the unit for repair? Has anyone successfully replaced the tubing by taking the unit apart, or do you think it's not something an owner could do? I can see that the Keith Monks web site does indeed sell replacement tubing, and I'm willing to give it a go if it's possible, but I really am not sure that I could do it successfully.
Any advice greatly appreciated.