Backup Core to Qnap Nas, interesting observations

Posted by: Rich 1 on 04 February 2018

Does anybody have any thoughts on the below comments?

Specifically to Qnap 251 64bit Intel processor but I suspect it may be an issue to other Qnap's looking at the Naim forum.
Ensure there are no hidden files in your back up folder (per Qnap issues in the forum).
Apple; When using iPad with the Naim app there’s no issues in configuring a backup on the app and setting a back up in motion.
Android; However when I tried repeatedly, using different methods to set up a backup using Naim app, although I could see the folder I wanted to use it would not let me set up a backup. Back to the iPad, after backing the Core to the Nas I was able to use this folder for future backups and restores using Android but still unable to set up a new back up folder.
In summary, if you can’t get a backup to work on Android and you have an iPad or Apple phone that you can beg, steel or borrow, try using that so that you can get an accessible folder set up for future android use. You must set up and start a backup in motion using the iPad first, you can then monitor the backup progress using android. 

Rememberthat you can't use android and iPad at the same time.
