
Posted by: living in lancs yearning for yorks on 10 February 2018

dang - after about 8 years of working nicely (after naim early on replaced half the innards under warranty), the picture appears to have gone kaput. (I will try scart to see if it’s the component connection that has failed). The sound seems to work but I either had two pictures or nothing

So, is it possible to get naim to look at it or do they not support any more?

where do I even begin to replace it if it cannot be repaired? Am currently having a room built to put it in with a projector (hopefully finished around Easter) so the timing isn’t great. Have full n-system speakers to go with it so def want to keep them in any event but I have never before had to consider replacing the n-Vi

Posted on: 10 February 2018 by MDS

I think Naim gave up trying to repair n-Vis a couple of years ago. They had a go at sorting mine but the fault recurred. I think the problem is availability of spares rather than willingness on Naim's part. I somewhat reluctantly accepted defeat and got an Arcam.

Mind you if you've had 8 years out of yours I think you've done well.

Posted on: 11 February 2018 by james n

It's a long time since i had an n-Vi but i'm wondering, as it just seems to be only the video output that has gone, whether you could get yourself a new DVD/Bluray player for the video side and feed the digital out into the n-Vi to do the sound decoding and amplification duties. Later on If anything else fails on the n-Vi then you could replace it with a dedicated AV processor / amp. 



Posted on: 11 February 2018 by living in lancs yearning for yorks

Somewhat handily, I need to get an extra DVD player anyway (need one for each room) and the one I have is I think around 14 years old. I really ought to try running the tv sound through the nVi anyway. Will have to do some research. 

Thanks for the answers!

Posted on: 11 February 2018 by blythe

I now use my n-sats, n-cent & n-sub with an Anthem MRX-710 (now an old model) surround amp and to be honest, I've been pleasantly surprised at how good it sounds, although I don't use that system for music listening.

Posted on: 12 February 2018 by thebigfredc

With the benefit of hindsight I think it would be fair to say Naim's foray into home cinema was a brief one and they lost interest once they got the scent of streaming which has left owners of their few albeit excellent home cinema products up the proverbial creek .......'and never mind the paddle, they haven't even got a canoe'

I too was interested in the nVi and can well remember the advert which centred around some fella looking thoroughly fed up because he didn't own an nVi. Well, if that young man is still acting, or perhaps he was a Naim employee, he can be cheered up a bit now at the thought of having not shelled out a couple of grand for a 21st century door-stop.



Posted on: 12 February 2018 by james n

I don't think they lost interest - AV and integration of this into the main Hi-Fi was quite a big thing at the time so it made sense for Naim to offer this in the range. The DVD5, AV2 and n-Vi were very good and whilst my n-Vi was a real PITA.  it did genuinely deliver a very involving performance for films. Things moved on in the AV world...

You could say the same about the Naim streaming products and the new Uniti product line. I can't see these having the long life serviceability that the amplifier products have.  A sign of the times I suppose.

Posted on: 12 February 2018 by thebigfredc

I too liked the DVD5 and AV2 but couldn't really afford them at the time.

I agree that the Classic range of amps is probably their line of products less likely to be ravaged by time.