What to DR?
Posted by: Gavin L on 11 February 2018
As I wait patiently for my new 500 DR to be delivered (and take out the NAP300), I can’t help wondering what should be my next step. Not that I want to do anyting immediately, as I can only imagine what completing a 500 line up in my active system will do, and I want to spend time enjoying that. But also, as I am away for the week, and cannot do any listening, the mind does wander...
WIth me new 500DR, the line up will be:
CD555 / NAC552 / SNAXO362 + DR / NAP500DR / NAP500 / NAP500 / DBL + full SL
The two 500’s I have are about 8 years old, so not in need of service; which woudl be the obvious time to upgrade them to DR spec. Still the cost is much more that the other components (~8.5k for the two). Much cheaper would be to do the 552 or 555, Both less than 2k. The CD555 will be staying, although I am interested to hear about the upcoming ND555.????
I would be interested to hear musings from other members.
I also have two more power lines to get (on the 500s). Nice as that would be, I think that really panders to a desire to “complete the set” rather than a big sonic improvement (at about 1.2k).
What do they sat about idle hands? I thin the same must apply when we are away from our systems...