Time for a change??

Posted by: Polarbear on 09 March 2018

Blimey, it seems a while since I have posted here looking for an upgrade but ten years fly by 


So whats changed, I am sitting here listening to Steve Wilson's latest thinking, yeah, its good but maybe it could be better.  So where to start?  I am not looking to change the front end, the CD555, Roksan TMS and NAT 01 IMO can't be bettered, well not this side of £50K!  The 552/500 to me, still powers the system admirably. So maybe its time to look at changing the speakers. Those that know me, will know I went on a long search for speakers many years ago and I thought I was thinking my speakers would last a lifetime so why the itchy paws. Well I am sure things move on and I am starting to hear better  

Therefore advice gentlemen please, its not something I am going to rush into, us Polar bears have all the time in the world 

Posted on: 25 May 2018 by Polarbear
glevethan posted:
Polarbear posted:
glevethan posted:

Welcome to the Titan club Nigel.  It took you a while however you are finally here.



PS - I'm getting old - I can't even remember when I flew over to Peters for a demo of the very first pairs and sat with you in the room of the old shop?

I'm sure some pictures will appear?  Red Tineo!

You don't recall the excellent evening we had at Mr Chans in Market Harborough and the excellent chat we had while driving over?  

No I do remember quite well.  It is simply that I do not remember how long ago it was - 7 or 8 years perhaps?

Those look beautiful - similar in looks to my originals - just more of a Polar Bear size to them!

I think it might have been closer to ten year ago Greg, time does fly!

Posted on: 25 May 2018 by Polarbear


There he is again HH, yes you are right, he must be a burglar, look, he's trying to half inch one  

Posted on: 25 May 2018 by Eoink
Polarbear posted:


There he is again HH, yes you are right, he must be a burglar, look, he's trying to half inch one  

He’s already nicked the top halves of them.

Posted on: 25 May 2018 by ayap1

Congrats PB on your new speakers,stunning speakers both visually ( to me) and sound wise.When I had my home demo it was also a tineo pair ( could be the same pair) but I went for a black finish to match the black boxes.Your red tineo looks stunning. 

Are your speakers firing straight into the room or is there any toe-in,what’s the distance between side and back wall and between speakers?

Have a long musical weekend.

Posted on: 25 May 2018 by hungryhalibut
Polarbear posted:


There he is again HH, yes you are right, he must be a burglar, look, he's trying to half inch one  

What a cheeky Herbert he is. I trust you told him off. 

They are lovely speakers and I’m sure they sound wonderful. The room looks good too - I remember when it was pink. All the very best to you. 

Posted on: 25 May 2018 by kevin J Carden

They look great PB. Are those hair-dryer-trained runs of NACA5 feeding them ?

Posted on: 26 May 2018 by Polarbear

Yes, I still use good old fashioned NACA, I like its balanced sound.

Posted on: 26 May 2018 by northpole

Well, that was a shorter speaker safari than I had envisaged and many congrats on the new speakers!  Seems like you have struck gold with the titan range, 808's especially.  Never fails to impress me when photos are posted as to how thorough Peter is with his approach to setting systems up.  Big old boxes but looks like the room is big plenty to take them - great visual sense of scale about them.  Do they come with front covers to keep dust and other potential accidental impact away from the drivers when parked and not in use?  These should serve you well for several years to come - especially as they seem to be going by much quicker than ever before!!


Posted on: 26 May 2018 by northpole
Polarbear posted:

Yes, I still use good old fashioned NACA, I like its balanced sound.

Perhaps in 6 months or so when your new speakers have settled in it wouldn't do any harm (other than to your bank account) to have a weekend with a couple of demo alternatives - super lumina and sarum or music - you might just be amazed what extra they can bring to your system.  But that's not for now and meanwhile enjoy your new musical chapter!


Posted on: 26 May 2018 by Stover
Polarbear posted:

It took us all of a couple of minutes for us to decide the 808’s were for us. They are so un hi-fi like. It was the presentation and musical tones ............

I took notice to these two sentences, which I could releate to my recent experience with my own setup, after adding PS555DR. (Not that I can compare my setup to yours in general). Can`t find better words than yours above....





Posted on: 26 May 2018 by The Strat (Fender)
northpole posted:
Polarbear posted:

Yes, I still use good old fashioned NACA, I like its balanced sound.

Perhaps in 6 months or so when your new speakers have settled in it wouldn't do any harm (other than to your bank account) to have a weekend with a couple of demo alternatives - super lumina and sarum or music - you might just be amazed what extra they can bring to your system.  But that's not for now and meanwhile enjoy your new musical chapter!


Peter,  yes I’ve found that my S20s are better with Chord than Naca.  



Posted on: 26 May 2018 by nigelb

Congratulations PB, they indeed look superb, and no, not too big in your simply but tastefully furnished living room.

Lindsay, did you try SL speaker cables or go straight to Chord? (Apologies for the slight diversion).

Posted on: 26 May 2018 by The Strat (Fender)

NigelB - I’ve had Odyssey now for a number of years predating my Naim system.  After I’d had the S20s for a little while I tried Naca but by common consent of those that wee there Odyssey got the vote.   I’m not in the market for SL and more expensive stuff.   However, when it comes to wiring up between the electronics I prefer the Naim wires.  All imo etc.   



Posted on: 26 May 2018 by Gazza

I must admit in your living room they look superb in that veneer, I have seen them look very imposing. I bet they sound good, happy days.

Posted on: 26 May 2018 by Polarbear
northpole posted:

Well, that was a shorter speaker safari than I had envisaged and many congrats on the new speakers!  Seems like you have struck gold with the titan range, 808's especially.  Never fails to impress me when photos are posted as to how thorough Peter is with his approach to setting systems up.  Big old boxes but looks like the room is big plenty to take them - great visual sense of scale about them.  Do they come with front covers to keep dust and other potential accidental impact away from the drivers when parked and not in use?  These should serve you well for several years to come - especially as they seem to be going by much quicker than ever before!!


TBH Peter, it was relatively easy, I had already done the ground work over the last few years. I know what I like and the 808's give me the best of the ARTs and Neat MF9's combined and then some.  It was only a matter of seeing how the room handled them and if the 707's were a better match for the room, well the 707's worked extremely well, they are excellent speakers and both Karen and I could have lived very happily with them. However when Peter swapped them for the 8-8's it was immediately obvious which was staying, it was just a matter of getting a pair and Peter and I finding the time to instal them. The rest was easy.


They do come with grill but as there is only Karen and I here, I don't need them and I certainly prefer the sound. I also like to see drivers and even better seeing drivers moving when you start pushing the speakers.

Posted on: 26 May 2018 by Polarbear
northpole posted:
Polarbear posted:

Yes, I still use good old fashioned NACA, I like its balanced sound.

Perhaps in 6 months or so when your new speakers have settled in it wouldn't do any harm (other than to your bank account) to have a weekend with a couple of demo alternatives - super lumina and sarum or music - you might just be amazed what extra they can bring to your system.  But that's not for now and meanwhile enjoy your new musical chapter!


Let the speakers settle first Peter and then yes, I may look at speaker cable again. I have had Vertere pulse cable here and I liked what they did but the cost is too restrictive. Whether there is a more ecconomical solution at some point in the future, who knows 

Posted on: 26 May 2018 by Polarbear
nigelb posted:

Congratulations PB, they indeed look superb, and no, not too big in your simply but tastefully furnished living room.

Lindsay, did you try SL speaker cables or go straight to Chord? (Apologies for the slight diversion).

I have heard people suggest that Chord cable suits Kudos better than SL but I would welcome others opinions?

Posted on: 26 May 2018 by nigelb
Polarbear posted:
nigelb posted:

Congratulations PB, they indeed look superb, and no, not too big in your simply but tastefully furnished living room.

Lindsay, did you try SL speaker cables or go straight to Chord? (Apologies for the slight diversion).

I have heard people suggest that Chord cable suits Kudos better than SL but I would welcome others opinions?

Yes PB, I have heard the same which is why I asked Lindsay the question. It would be good to hear from those that use Kudos speakers with SL speaker cables and Chord speaker cables and ideally from those that have compared the two with Kudos speakers. Maybe Peter has a view.

You Sir, however, should get on and enjoy your lovely 808s with the very fine NACA5 which I used for donkeys years.

Posted on: 26 May 2018 by notnaim man

Not a totally "scientific" comparison, I heard the 808s at Cymbiosis twice, both time to check/demonstrate the work Peter had done on my LP12.

The first time they had just been installed, not fully set up and I believe connected by SL. When I got home I said to dearly beloved "He had some great speakers, but I'm not sure I could live with them, a bit too "hifi"."

The second time, they were just about to be taken down to go to PB and were connected by Chord Music, on the way home I bought a lottery ticket and told her "I want a pair of those". Sadly I didn't win.

Posted on: 27 May 2018 by Polarbear


And here is the whole room, well two thirds of it anyway 

Posted on: 27 May 2018 by Polarbear
notnaim man posted:

Not a totally "scientific" comparison, I heard the 808s at Cymbiosis twice, both time to check/demonstrate the work Peter had done on my LP12.

The first time they had just been installed, not fully set up and I believe connected by SL. When I got home I said to dearly beloved "He had some great speakers, but I'm not sure I could live with them, a bit too "hifi"."

The second time, they were just about to be taken down to go to PB and were connected by Chord Music, on the way home I bought a lottery ticket and told her "I want a pair of those". Sadly I didn't win.

Interesting, the speakers changed when I had them here. Peter tells me they don't like being moved. When I first had them there was a dead thud in the lower mid but after about a week the thud disappeared and the lower mid tightened up. I have a bit of a flowery bass at the moment but thats just the units bedding in, the more CD's I play the better they get.

Posted on: 27 May 2018 by J.N.

A Super Lumina loom ending up into a pair of Kudos 707's sounds deliciously layered, musically cohesive, engaging and presented (as opposed to 'projected') here, but chacun à son goût as ever.

Laurel/Yanny anyone?


Posted on: 27 May 2018 by northpole
Polarbear posted:
nigelb posted:

Congratulations PB, they indeed look superb, and no, not too big in your simply but tastefully furnished living room.

Lindsay, did you try SL speaker cables or go straight to Chord? (Apologies for the slight diversion).

I have heard people suggest that Chord cable suits Kudos better than SL but I would welcome others opinions?

Dave J on here should be well placed to voice an opinion having recently bought 606's from Peter which he has hooked up to music speaker cables.  There does seem to be two sizable camps of opinion re super lumina and sarum or music cables, both quite clear in their opinion about the merits of each, hence my suggestion when you feel up to it, to borrow a set of each.  Possibly starting with sarum in the case of chord as it is semi-affordable, relative to music! 


Posted on: 27 May 2018 by kevin J Carden
northpole posted:
Polarbear posted:
nigelb posted:

Congratulations PB, they indeed look superb, and no, not too big in your simply but tastefully furnished living room.

Lindsay, did you try SL speaker cables or go straight to Chord? (Apologies for the slight diversion).

I have heard people suggest that Chord cable suits Kudos better than SL but I would welcome others opinions?

Dave J on here should be well placed to voice an opinion having recently bought 606's from Peter which he has hooked up to music speaker cables.  There does seem to be two sizable camps of opinion re super lumina and sarum or music cables, both quite clear in their opinion about the merits of each, hence my suggestion when you feel up to it, to borrow a set of each.  Possibly starting with sarum in the case of chord as it is semi-affordable, relative to music! 


I guess your speaker cable preference might also depend on which other cables you are using elsewhere in the system PB. Which Interconnect do you have running from the CD555 to 552 and which DIN-XLR pair going into the 500? I would guess either a full loom of Naim or of Chord or Vertere or whatever might be a sensible starting approach, though rules are there to be broken of course. 

Posted on: 27 May 2018 by Dave J
northpole posted:
Polarbear posted:
nigelb posted:

Congratulations PB, they indeed look superb, and no, not too big in your simply but tastefully furnished living room.

Lindsay, did you try SL speaker cables or go straight to Chord? (Apologies for the slight diversion).

I have heard people suggest that Chord cable suits Kudos better than SL but I would welcome others opinions?

Dave J on here should be well placed to voice an opinion having recently bought 606's from Peter which he has hooked up to music speaker cables.  There does seem to be two sizable camps of opinion re super lumina and sarum or music cables, both quite clear in their opinion about the merits of each, hence my suggestion when you feel up to it, to borrow a set of each.  Possibly starting with sarum in the case of chord as it is semi-affordable, relative to music! 


I have indeed listened to all cables mentioned and during my auditioning of 707s and 606s, tried both SL and Music. To be fair, the SLs in this setting were a bit better than when I heard them with S20s, at which time Sarum annihilated them, but, despite being better than before, with both 606s and 707s Music was in a completely different league altogether. The two really are not comparable.

But, there are those who love what SL do and I really don’t want to start another cable v cable argument. I’d just say that, if you’re in a position to be able to afford 808s, you’re reasonably likely, at some stage, to be in a position to consider SL, Sarum T and Music (and others) and they are quite different in what they all do (or not). Personally, I’m trying to reach my end game and, for me, Music is an essential element of that end game system. Sadly for my wallet, rather a lot of it ...

I heard some other things recently - in fact when I bumped into PB at Cymbiosis - that were really interesting but that’s another thread...