Time for a change??

Posted by: Polarbear on 09 March 2018

Blimey, it seems a while since I have posted here looking for an upgrade but ten years fly by 


So whats changed, I am sitting here listening to Steve Wilson's latest thinking, yeah, its good but maybe it could be better.  So where to start?  I am not looking to change the front end, the CD555, Roksan TMS and NAT 01 IMO can't be bettered, well not this side of £50K!  The 552/500 to me, still powers the system admirably. So maybe its time to look at changing the speakers. Those that know me, will know I went on a long search for speakers many years ago and I thought I was thinking my speakers would last a lifetime so why the itchy paws. Well I am sure things move on and I am starting to hear better  

Therefore advice gentlemen please, its not something I am going to rush into, us Polar bears have all the time in the world 

Posted on: 09 March 2018 by Dustysox

Hi PB,

Great to see you out of hibernation mate!!!

Not wishing to mess with any bears....I can't recommend and concur with DB that the DR upgrade. It really is night and day and would be interesting if you were to have it done whether the "itch" to upgrade the speakers still existed. After the DR upgrade has run in it really adds so much to the system "it'll blow ya paws off" didn't Michael Caine say that in the Italian Job!!!

Then if an itch still was there I would dem an S1 for quite a while.  Speakers can provide much more with each upgrade it's actually quite surprising was they are capable of.

Great journey, PB I look forward to following it mate.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
TOBYJUG posted:


Would give me and anyone else nightmares

Mrs Ball says "No", they are not coming into our house, they look like they are laughing sinisterly at you   

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
Alba1320 posted:

Have you tried Shahinian?

Yes when I went on my original search, very different but not for me.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
Jonn posted:

Just get a pair of s/h DBLs and use the money you save on DRing the 552/500. Job done.

Not a bad shout but Mr Swain and myself decided DBL's wouldn't work where I want the speakers to go.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
Dustysox posted:

Hi PB,

Great to see you out of hibernation mate!!!

Not wishing to mess with any bears....I can't recommend and concur with DB that the DR upgrade. It really is night and day and would be interesting if you were to have it done whether the "itch" to upgrade the speakers still existed. After the DR upgrade has run in it really adds so much to the system "it'll blow ya paws off" didn't Michael Caine say that in the Italian Job!!!

Then if an itch still was there I would dem an S1 for quite a while.  Speakers can provide much more with each upgrade it's actually quite surprising was they are capable of.

Great journey, PB I look forward to following it mate.

Hello Dusty,


yes its going to be the start of another journey. I can see a few changes coming. DR'ing will happen at some point and maybe a few upgrades on the trusty TMS. I know there are a few goodies available from Vertere.

However I do believe I have taken the ART's as far as I want to and thats where I am going to start the next adventure 


Kind regards



Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Clive B

I am keeping eyes and ears open for new speakers just in case anything happens to my NBLs, which I like very much. Two speakers I've heard and enjoyed (and have made it onto my reserve list) are the Kudos 707 and the PMC Fact 12, although I also have a nagging thought that my next speaker purchase ought to be for something smaller, possibly stand mounted. I hope I'm not forced to confront this challenge anytime soon.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by yeti42

The same thought is at the back of any NBL owner’s mind.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by tonym

Hi PB, I'm with the others re. getting the DR upgrades, and in the order suggested by DB. However, I respect and understand your desire to change speakers. Obvious candidates are the Kudos 808s, but although I've yet to hear a pair myself I'd be considering Magicos.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Adam Zielinski

I’ve heard trully amazing speakers at last year’s Audio show in Warsaw. Austrian made Trenner & Friedl. 
Should be a nice upgrade from your ARTs.

All the best,


Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Innocent Bystander
Clive B posted:

I am keeping eyes and ears open for new speakers just in case anything happens to my NBLs, which I like very much. Two speakers I've heard and enjoyed (and have made it onto my reserve list) are the Kudos 707 and the PMC Fact 12, although I also have a nagging thought that my next speaker purchase ought to be for something smaller, possibly stand mounted. I hope I'm not forced to confront this challenge anytime soon.

Relatively speaking at least, the Fact 12s are smaller, and do allow some tailoring of response, so I think may be more able to use in a smaller room, if that was what you meant.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by JMB

PB, I have a 555/552/500 system all DR with the full SL loom. I recently added the new Spendor Classic 200. Very happy with my system so recommend you give the Spendors a listen.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Clive B
Innocent Bystander posted:
Clive B posted:

I am keeping eyes and ears open for new speakers just in case anything happens to my NBLs, which I like very much. Two speakers I've heard and enjoyed (and have made it onto my reserve list) are the Kudos 707 and the PMC Fact 12, although I also have a nagging thought that my next speaker purchase ought to be for something smaller, possibly stand mounted. I hope I'm not forced to confront this challenge anytime soon.

Relatively speaking at least, the Fact 12s are smaller, and do allow some tailoring of response, so I think may be more able to use in a smaller room, if that was what you meant.

I've just measured my NBLs and compared them with the specs for the Fact 12 and you are indeed right, but apart from the width, the difference is not that great. I don't wish to tempt fate, but I would like to hear a pair at home (purely for research purposes, you understand).

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Foot tapper

Oohh PB,

So many upgrades to offer and most of them expensive!????

A lovely, shiny, Perspex turntable, cables made of lovingly stroked unobtainium, an air bed suspension table for sensitive components, DR amplifier upgrades (if not Statement pre-amp), the list goes on.

However, speakers are your priority for understandable reasons. Two 10 inch bass drivers per speaker takes a bit of controlling. ART do a nice speaker with an Alnico tweeter and 8 inch bass driver that would be easier to control but you’ve heard that one recently.

Kudos Titan 808 are already on your audition list. Magico S5 deserve to be on your list too. I still like the ART Alnico 12 but our room is a bit small for them. It’s a surprisingly short list.

Then do DR the NAP500. It’s a good thing!

Enjoy the journey and take your time, It’s a fun ride so long as you don’t rush it.

Best regards, FT

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by ayap1


Just over a year ago I audition four speakers ( Wilson Sabrina.Vivid Giya 4, B&W 800 D3,Kudos 808 ).Sabrina didn’t make it to the home audition but could live happily with any of the other three. So a few more to add to your shortlist and hope you find the right speakers.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
Clive B posted:

I am keeping eyes and ears open for new speakers just in case anything happens to my NBLs, which I like very much. Two speakers I've heard and enjoyed (and have made it onto my reserve list) are the Kudos 707 and the PMC Fact 12, although I also have a nagging thought that my next speaker purchase ought to be for something smaller, possibly stand mounted. I hope I'm not forced to confront this challenge anytime soon.

NBL's were beautiful speakers Clive, I had the pleasure of a demonstration many years ago when I had the CDS3, 252 and 300 and probably needed a better system for them, its a shame there is nothing like them now as I would be very tempted for another listen.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
tonym posted:

Hi PB, I'm with the others re. getting the DR upgrades, and in the order suggested by DB. However, I respect and understand your desire to change speakers. Obvious candidates are the Kudos 808s, but although I've yet to hear a pair myself I'd be considering Magicos.

I have had a brief look at Magico's but not sure where to hear them, the only reservation is the price of the ones I would be interested in 

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
Adam Zielinski posted:

I’ve heard trully amazing speakers at last year’s Audio show in Warsaw. Austrian made Trenner & Friedl. 
Should be a nice upgrade from your ARTs.

All the best,


Not a brand I have any knowledge about Adam, I will have a look on the internet. The problems going to be, where am I going to audition a pair.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
JMB posted:

PB, I have a 555/552/500 system all DR with the full SL loom. I recently added the new Spendor Classic 200. Very happy with my system so recommend you give the Spendors a listen.

An interesting recommendation, its been a while since I last heard a pair of Spendors, not sure I have ever liked their presentation though.

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
Foot tapper posted:

Oohh PB,

So many upgrades to offer and most of them expensive!????

A lovely, shiny, Perspex turntable, cables made of lovingly stroked unobtainium, an air bed suspension table for sensitive components, DR amplifier upgrades (if not Statement pre-amp), the list goes on.

However, speakers are your priority for understandable reasons. Two 10 inch bass drivers per speaker takes a bit of controlling. ART do a nice speaker with an Alnico tweeter and 8 inch bass driver that would be easier to control but you’ve heard that one recently.

Kudos Titan 808 are already on your audition list. Magico S5 deserve to be on your list too. I still like the ART Alnico 12 but our room is a bit small for them. It’s a surprisingly short list.

Then do DR the NAP500. It’s a good thing!

Enjoy the journey and take your time, It’s a fun ride so long as you don’t rush it.

Best regards, FT

As lovely as the Alnico's are Ian, they are not for me, I have had the pleasure of the big Alnico references at home and they are not a speaker I can live with long term. 


Its going to be a journey of a few steps, firstly the speakers, then the amps and then the Perspex shiny turntable may be on the shopping list. The list could go on for a very long time 


Kind regards





Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Polarbear
ayap1 posted:


Just over a year ago I audition four speakers ( Wilson Sabrina.Vivid Giya 4, B&W 800 D3,Kudos 808 ).Sabrina didn’t make it to the home audition but could live happily with any of the other three. So a few more to add to your shortlist and hope you find the right speakers.

I have never heard a pair of Wilsons I would like to take home for an audition, likewise with the B&W's.  I am certainly prepared to have a look at the Vivids 

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by cat345

Just curious PB, have you heard Dynaudio Evidence series ?

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by northpole


B+W may not be for you, but I'd still recommend (if you haven't already done so) having a listen to the new D3 versions whose sound presentation has moved on quite a bit from the D2's.  The similarity in appearance may be a bigger obstacle for some...


PS I wonder how far this thread has potential to run.....!!

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Innocent Bystander

Sorry, just posted something in wrong thread - moved now

Posted on: 10 March 2018 by Monster

I would look at something completely different. You should check out some JBL 4367 Studio Monitors. You can’t beat JBL compression drivers.

Posted on: 11 March 2018 by Innocent Bystander
Monster posted:

You can’t beat JBL compression drivers.

Rather a sweeping statement...