Odd Naim App Behavior with iPhone X - entire screen slides when using volume slider

Posted by: Bart on 20 March 2018

iPhone X and iOS 11.2.6

On the main screen when an album is playing there is a very handy volume slider at the bottom when I'm playing my Qute 2.  UNFORTUNATELY, I can't really slide the volume slider as the entire app instead wants to slide off the screen to the left or right.  (This is happening on the commercial release version of the Naim App as well as the current beta version which I test).

It's been doing this for the past few versions.  This is not NEW.

If I touch the general area of the volume slider, it brings up a different view of what's now playing, and on that screen I can use the slider down at the bottom without everything else sliding.  But on what I call the 'home screen' that does have a volume slider, trying to slide that slider moves the entire window off the phone, as shown below. (I caught a screenshot while moving my finger on the slider): 


Posted on: 20 March 2018 by connon price

I feel your pain, Bart. They need to address this. Maybe they could switch the volume slider and the song title to get the slider further from the 'swap app' action bar at the bottom of the X screen. Yes, the volume bar is higher on the 'now playing' screen which solves this issue generally. I also find that the volume slider on the 'now playing' screen is too close to the 'play/pause' button for Tidal and Server sources, and as the volume button on the slider is usually around mid line, it is where my finger usually goes to change volume and at least a third of the time I end up pausing the music instead of hitting the volume mark. That could be improved, as could my hand eye coordination, I suppose.

And though this isn't the right place to make suggestions to Naim for app improvements, I will also suggest that the toggle between 'Shuffle', 'repeat', and even 'mute' is only represented by white vs grey (mute changes sound waves to an 'x' as well). It is a bit too subtle and if they could add some color to the activated stage (maybe green), it would improve the user interface in my opinion. Had an older customer complain that their system was not making music. Went to their house and found their system to be muted. 

Cleanest design isn't always the bestest design. ;-)


Posted on: 20 March 2018 by Richard Dane

Bart, I flagged this thread to Naim and it appears a fix is in the works.

Posted on: 20 March 2018 by Bart
Richard Dane posted:

Bart, I flagged this thread to Naim and it appears a fix is in the works.

Awesome - thanks Richard!