NAC552 adds Vinyl experience to everything !
Posted by: rjstaines on 28 March 2018
My NAC552 adds the occasional 'pop' - it's just like listening to vinyl.
It all started a while back right after a DR upgrade; the pops would occur very occasionally and were almost un-noticable, but recently I've noticed they are becomming more frequent... about 2 or 3 an hour. They only appear in the left channel, never in the right. They don't seem to be volume dependant (they sound the same velume level whatever the volume setting on the 552, I think! )
You may ask how come I've noticed the recent increase... I've been laid low since the end of January with some (so far undiagnosed) affliction that causes abdominal pain - the kind where you want to curl up in a quiet place and try to get comfortable (or die)... and guess where the quiet, comfortable place is in our house... the lounge where the audio gear is.
The other contributing factor is the arrival of the ATC SCM 100 active speakers and the departure of the NAP500, so the power amp, which I had previously suspected, is now out of the loop, leaving just the pre-amp.
So, has anyone else experienced this unwanted 'vinyl effect' - 'pops from the pre' ?