Speaker Stands Orthodoxy
Posted by: Shropshire Hills on 31 March 2018
Apologies to those who read my previous long post about speakers at Bristol Show but getting the right sound in a room is hard
A couple of weeks ago I took delivery of a pair of demo Kudos Super C10A speakers to replace my 9 year old n-Sats (with Nova/250DR) and I thought I had it cracked. Even with the speakers resting on the floor the sound was impressive
However, today I finally got a pair of stands for them - Custom Design heavyweights as recommended by Kudos and the sound in my little 3m X 3.5m room took a turn very much for the worse. I ended up with one speaker on a wooden chair and the other on the speaker box and the sound is better. However, I have also borrowed a pair of ATC SCM 11s - they sound terrible on the Custom Design stands but better than the Kudos, especially when placed on the floor or on the chair and box. I haven’t filled the stands with sand yet and will do that tomorrow but they are bulky with no WAF and I doubt I will be keeping them long term
This makes me think that high mass stands may not be best in my room so can anybody suggest an alternative please - clearly a chair and cardboard box is a bit of a joke but is there a good alternative stand out there? Russ Andrews, Atacama Moseco?