Tidal vs Spotify Premium
Posted by: David N on 07 April 2018
This must have been discussed before so I am really sorry. I am pretty new to streaming audio and appreciate fellow Naim community members would share your opinion and suggestions here.
I have been using Spotify because there was a really cheap deal before Xmas. With Spotify Premium, it streams up to 320kbps. Tidal is better at 1411kbps FLAC but it may do 320kbps as well. I am not a current user of Tidal so I don't know much about it at all. Wife and I like Spotify because it has a lot of English content as well as contents from other countries and languages. Is Tidal as good? Does Tidal support other languages such as CJK?
My personal belief is that source materials must be good. Perfectly encoded rubbish is rubbish, like high res blurred picture is a blurred picture. Original materials must be ripped properly and of high quality - properly recorded and mastered. That said, I have often opted for better source and recordings than tinkering with sound system to see if it could squeeze something more. Do you find Tidal's SQ better than Spotify? Is it really noticeably different? Is Tidal perhaps better for certain music type or genre?
I hope this doesn't create war between Spotify and Tidal fanboys! Not my intent at all! What is your experience? Really appreciate your advice to this newbie. Thank you.