Favourite Tapas?
Posted by: Bob the Builder on 14 July 2018
I went for Tapas last night here on Calpe and ate the best food I’ve had a while.
Black Pudding & Chickpeas
Stuffed Sardine Fillet
and the very best Patatas Aioli I’ve had for a very long time if ever.
Pimientos de Padron
Braised Squid + Chorizo with Chickpea & Tomato salad, prepared easily at home ................. yum.
I can't resist a good Serrano ham - every bit as good as the Italian stuff! My other favourite is the type of Chorizo that you cook - often with white wine.
I spent a year living in southern Spain, and developed a taste for black pudding (morcilla), nothing like the dry black stuff served up with British breakfasts.
Patatas el Podre /Potatoes of the poor.
A new one to try I did see this in Keith Floyd I think or maybe some other book but found it actually on a menu last night potatoes, garlic & peppers ????
Bob the Builder posted:Patatas el Podre /Potatoes of the poor.
A new one to try I did see this in Keith Floyd I think or maybe some other book but found it actually on a menu last night potatoes, garlic & peppers ????
Nice, but not as nice as patatas bravas!
Bob the Builder posted:Patatas el Podre /Potatoes of the poor.
A new one to try I did see this in Keith Floyd I think or maybe some other book but found it actually on a menu last night potatoes, garlic & peppers ????
"Podre" in Spanish (from Latin putris) means putrid another meaning is pus (same word in Spanish). Your potatoes were either bad or instead of mayo there was pus with them. Did you really eat them that way?
No obviously a spelling mistake. I thought we had got over all the grammar and spelling lessons on this forum.
Yes I had Patatas Bravas last night always a favorite.
I also had an accident with a tiny extremely potent red chilli that I mistook for a piece of fried Garlic that took a few ice cold canas to put out.
Bob the Builder posted:No obviously a spelling mistake. I thought we had got over all the grammar and spelling lessons on this forum.
Some people read what you write. Others interpret. There can be faults in either, but the safest way is to spell correctly what you mean to say. Lots of spelling help is available from search engines.
A woman on a forum posted "I love the smell of my man's colon". An endearing statement to the fetish members who responded in kind. The more mainstream politely assumed she meant to write "cologne" and offered responses from their perspective. The "just get a bottle of it for yourself and spray it on whenever you want" response got lots of likes from both factions.
Erich posted:Bob the Builder posted:Patatas el Podre /Potatoes of the poor.
A new one to try I did see this in Keith Floyd I think or maybe some other book but found it actually on a menu last night potatoes, garlic & peppers ????
"Podre" in Spanish (from Latin putris) means putrid another meaning is pus (same word in Spanish). Your potatoes were either bad or instead of mayo there was pus with them. Did you really eat them that way?
It’s pobre, meaning poor in Spanish.
Freshly caught sardines on a stick over a small fire on the beach.