NAP300 DR vs NAP250 DR is it really worth the extra mile
Posted by: Ludovico on 27 July 2018
I've been reading a few posts of underwhelming expectations from NAP 300DR owners/converts. By reading these posts I am now more confused on whether the incremental price difference between a NAP 250DR and a NAP 300DR equates to a similar incremental difference in sound quality (stage, clarity, control, etc). My ears ought to be doing this assessment but my issue (like many) is finding a dealer where i can audition both with PMC's Fact 8's. My Fact 8's are currently paired with a SuperUniti, the latter being the component that I would like to upgrade over time. I was therefore planning to use the SU as a preamp paired with a NAP 250DR (second hand) or go the extra mile and pair it with a NAP 300 (second hand), get Salisbury to upgrade it to DR status. Eventually, when the wallet allows it, to replace the SU to a NAC (hoping for a new NAC release in the near future). The bottom line is: is the NAP 300DR really worth the extra wallet effort vs a NAP 250DR? Or is that underwhelming sensation in posts real? Someone help me demystify this one. Thanks!
Atlas Hyper speaker cable
Blue Heaven power chord (i live in Switzerland and could not use the UK power chord i had on the SU).