Q acoustics

Posted by: Johnny5 on 27 August 2018

Anybody own or hear the Q acoustic concept 500 speaker? 

Posted on: 27 August 2018 by Bouba

I did hear them last year during Paris Audio Show, at the end of a Roksan Blak amp. Don't know of the amp or the speakers which one is to be blamed but found the combo very/too polite for my taste. stunning finish though. 

Posted on: 27 August 2018 by Iver van de Zand

I heart them two months ago in a detailed audition for new speakers. I listened to them on 282/250/Ndx/HiCap. They are extreme good value for the money. Apart from the superb build-quality, they offer lots of detail and very easy on the ear. The value for money is exceptional. 

In the end I choose the Focal Kanta 2 because they are just a bit better in everything (especially low frequencies), but the QAcoustics 500 are good too. I doubted long because of the big price difference.


i do think the QAcoustics need some power. I think a Nap 200 or higher will do



Posted on: 27 August 2018 by Richieroo

I heard them at Bristol ..... last year.......with Dave front end driving NAP300 directly......... the result I felt was poor ......... in fairness it sounded like someone had given them a new amp (not run in) as the guy demo-ing speakers said it was a last minute substitution. They sounded very very polite, slow and restricted in bass. I also suspect that there was Dave/Nap300 synergy mis match.................... I hope there are happy Naim/Concept 500 combinations ........ as the speaker on paper should perform. 

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by Gazza

I tried Dave direct to NAP300, did not work for me, the PRAT was missing, very uninvolving.....gave up on that idea.

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by Richieroo

Thanks for reporting that Gazza ......... I thought there was something wrong..........it just goes to show how important that Naim pre amp is...........

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by james n

........when using a Naim power amp.

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by feeling_zen

I'm surprised more people do not use the more entry level budget Qacoustics speakers with things like the UQ2 and Atom. Qacoustics speakers definitely work very well with Naim but generally at the bottom of the Uniti range you see mullets more often. More of my listening is done in front of dinky 3010s than my bigger PMCs.

Re; the concept 500, I am pretty sure these got mentioned in more detail a few times on another thread if you search. Bear in mind it is their first foray into real hi-fi speakers, they seem extremely serious on making a real go of this. I read an interesting article with Qacoustics lead engineer and he was explaining the budget stuff is really to get their name out and hone their design skills. Going for the higher end area is really their main objective.


Posted on: 28 August 2018 by Bob the Builder

I used Concept 20 speakers with a UnitiQute 2 sounded fantastic and also added a Qacoustics sub a 2070 I think with the UQ2's sub out it integrated very well.

You can buy Concept 20's for £150 and even less a pair over on that well known auction site and for that money they have to be the best speaker available IMO.

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by SimonPeterArnold
feeling_zen posted:

I'm surprised more people do not use the more entry level budget Qacoustics speakers with things like the UQ2 and Atom. Qacoustics speakers definitely work very well with Naim but generally at the bottom of the Uniti range you see mullets more often. More of my listening is done in front of dinky 3010s than my bigger PMCs.

Re; the concept 500, I am pretty sure these got mentioned in more detail a few times on another thread if you search. Bear in mind it is their first foray into real hi-fi speakers, they seem extremely serious on making a real go of this. I read an interesting article with Qacoustics lead engineer and he was explaining the budget stuff is really to get their name out and hone their design skills. Going for the higher end area is really their main objective.


I have 2 different pairs of Qacoustics in my 2 systems. 2050i with the Atom and BT3 attached to my old Arcam irDACii. They are very good speakers and offer very good value for money. I auditioned many before I choose the 2050i some a lot more expensive. Looking to upgrade early next year and the new 3050i are in top 5 to try out.

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by Johnell
Bob the Builder posted:

I used Concept 20 speakers with a UnitiQute 2 sounded fantastic and also added a Qacoustics sub a 2070 I think with the UQ2's sub out it integrated very well.

You can buy Concept 20's for £150 and even less a pair over on that well known auction site and for that money they have to be the best speaker available IMO.

I tried and really liked Concept 20s on the end of my 172/250.2 set up in my narrow and rather bright sounding room.   Out of interest I tried a pair of Concept 40s expecting the bass to be too much for the room but the 250.2 had enough grip to keep the bass under control and they sounded fantastic.  I liked them so much I bought a pair.

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by Richieroo

I am not bashing Q Acoustics I have auditioned the smaller ones which sound good and are good value. The Concept 500 I listened to was at a show ......... that's not to say  it cannot perform. I think it was poorly demo-ed with mismatched equipment. I would like to listen to a pair on a well set up Naim system......but have not  come across a Naim dealer locally that stocks them...........

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by Paul Eastwood

I have a pair of Concept 500 speakers attached to my 

Uniti Nova. They sound great.

Posted on: 28 August 2018 by SamC

Used concept 40s with XS2 for some time. Great speakers, very well built, and the high partner acceptance factor has seen them move happily to another home.

Upgrade to B&W 804 D3 brought bass extension and a little more clarity, possibly even brightness, at the top end but diminishing returns very much applies with the c12x price difference.