Brexit and DIN Plugs
Posted by: Ghettoyout on 28 August 2018
In the event of a hard Brexit, will Naim still be able to use DIN plugs? I think we should be told. I'm sure it's a hot topic and right up there with the Irish border question with the negotiators.
As I'm sure we all know DIN is an acronym for Deutsche Industrie-Norm and is a series of technical standards originating in Germany and used internationally especially to designate electrical connections. Just imagine if in March 2019 Naim were not allowed to use them. I do not recall this topic being discussed in the debates at the time. It somehow got missed.
I know a lot of the Naim users on here are quite elderly and, as a generalisation, it was the elderly who voted for Brexit (and probably celebrated with some of their ridiculous prog rock records). I'm not sure they thought it through.
Anyway, some food for thought.
Best etc.,
Ghetto Yout' (aged 56).