Identify piano piece (from little information)

Posted by: Ebor on 19 September 2018

I’ve lost the details of a piano piece I was intending to buy and google hasn’t been able to help, given how little I can remember about it. It’s driving me crazy - can you help?

A while ago, I came across a shortish piece for solo piano. It was written by a fairly ‘proper’ composer, twentieth century, normally known for fairly challenging repertoire but this piece was quiet and elegaic, almost melancholy. It was piece number 2 or 3 from a suite or set of piano pieces. After finding it, I easily found the sheet music for it online, so it wasn’t very obscure. It sounded a bit like Einaudi, but it wasn’t him.

I’ve listened to some pieces by Glass, Ligeti, Ives, Reich and Eno without any bells being rung, but I’m fairly sure it’s in that ballpark.

Any suggestions might stop me going crazy. Thank you in advance,


Posted on: 20 September 2018 by Nick Lees

Maxwell Davies  - Farewell To Stromness?

Posted on: 20 September 2018 by Simon-in-Suffolk

Erik Satie, Gnossiennes or Gymnopédies series???

Posted on: 20 September 2018 by Christopher_M

Vassilis Tsabropoulos?

Posted on: 20 September 2018 by Nick Lees

This is a bit “What’s it got in its pocketses” isn’t it? ????

Posted on: 20 September 2018 by Corry

John Corigliano Etudy Fantasy No. 4?

Posted on: 20 September 2018 by Ebor

Thanks for the offers, chaps. Apologies if it is a bit Riddles in the Dark, but perhaps it makes a change from people simply discussing the nth remastering of a classic album.

Definitely not Satie - I know the Gnossienes and Gymnopedies well already. Likewise the Mavis, though Farewell to Stromness is musically in the right ballpark. I’ll have to check the other two suggestions, but they don’t ring a bell.

The title was definitely ‘X number 2 or 3’, where X is a fairly typical identifier: etude, prelude, that sort of thing.

Still driving me bonkers...



Posted on: 20 September 2018 by Nick Lees

Bother. That scotches my next suggestion which was going to be Cage’s In A Landscape. Fun though!

Posted on: 20 September 2018 by Nick Lees
