Back to Naim
Posted by: Matteo on 15 October 2018
Hi all
The failured purchase of the 152/155 combo was always for me a big regret of the past.
Recently, I read every thread on this and other forums containing "152" and "155".
In the past I owned Nait XS, CD5XS, ND5XS, Headline and Stageline.
Casually, I found a 2017 ex-demo combo for 1,500 € and a recent s/h FCXS with 2 SNAIC 5 for 700 € and bought them.
So I came back to Naim.
Source is a quite recent mid-spec LP12 (Trampolin 2, Kore, Akito 2b, T-Kable, Akurate Radikal, Adikt), with a Lejonklou Slipsik 6 as phono.
ND5 XS 2 is on the radar though.
Speakers are Linn Majik 109. Interconnects and speakers cables are Linn Silver and K200 (half K400).
The Majik 109 are away for a woofer modifications, so it will take some weeks to report back my impressions.