Flatcap XS on Naim Cd5XS
Posted by: justin65 on 10 November 2018
I would like to share my thoughts on adding a flatcap XS to naim Cd5Xs Cd Player. I am using standard lavender naim interconnect. I have shahinian arc speakers. First I tried a Madonna Cd on its own. I particularly like the track Rain. When I listen to this track without the flatcap Xs it always sounded good to me but I never heard how much better it could sound. When I added the flatcap xs I notice I have lost a bit of treble clarity. I thought this flatcap xs is a bit disappointing but ounce the bass line kicks in oh my this track is now superb. I never thought this track could sound this good. The track is no longer two dimensional but another dimension as been added. I feel the music as now got layers to it. I am amazed that this flatcap could have such an effect on the bass and make the music so much more enjoyable. I thought it would affect an amplifiers bass but not a cd player. Its a bit like going from standard definition to high definition. The vocal is slightly taken back but there is no denying what a difference this as made to my HiFi. I have yet to try powering the nait XS Amplifier with it. I cant understand how some people have been disappointed with it. It certainly works a treat on my Hifi and is well worth the money I paid for it. Theres no going back. Thankyou naim for making my music much more pleasurable than I thought possible.