ATC scm11 loudspeaker hype

Posted by: eazyryder on 11 November 2018

Was wondering, from owners with naim amplification into the atc scm11s, and before I actually go ahead and audition the ATCs myself. Is the hype surrounding these speakers justified?

What should I expect, and what genre music are they most suited to?

Would a nait xs2 have enough oomph under the bonnet or do the atcs require substantial amplification to really get the absolute best from them?

My current speakers are AE reference 1s and I am really happy with them but having read so many positive things about the atcs, I am really intrigued. Am I missing out?.

Has anyone compared AE standmounters with ATCs?.



Posted on: 23 November 2018 by Simon-in-Suffolk

Yep the 19s are wonderful aren’t they.. let us know how you get on with the actives.. 

Posted on: 24 November 2018 by hifi-dog
Wugged Woy posted:

Just to put a spanner in the works..... sorry chaps.

I really like the ATC speakers, the little 7 and the 11, VERY MUCH . But they can sound a touch cold and calculating. I've moved my love over to PMC speakers which have an equally great sound, but, to my cloth ears, are a bit more warmer and natural.

My penny 'orth


How very dare you !

Posted on: 24 November 2018 by pete T15
Yogibear posted:

I am thinking of upgrading to SCM20ASL with a Benchmark DAC3 DX. Curious how that will sound although I love the SN2.

I have a Benchmark DAC3 HGC with ATC 40 Actives , it's a lovely  combination and a very minimal system too . I used to have a Hugo / SN2 / 250DR / ATC SCM19 system that I loved and went Active to save space mainly but the added bonus is superb sound quality . 

I was lucky that I got an ex dem bargain on the Benchmark which helped make my mind up but if I was starting afresh I'd look at the Naim NAC272+PS  , Chord Hugo TT(2) and Auralic Aries Vega G2 as partners for ATC Active .