What speakers for Unity Atom?
Posted by: Bezb on 20 November 2018
Friends, the topic is not new but I have three options and intrested in your opinions:
Now I have got nice Mu-So box but want to grow. Unity Atom seems to be a good choice. And what speakers for them? Now in my list I have Harbeth P3ESR, ProAc Response 1SC (now new) and Opera Prima.
First two I heard with Atom. Liked ProAc more. More clear sound, more details, more bass. But the dealer says I will soon understand that Harbeth would be better :-)
Opera Prima I heard not with Naim but like them. It was Uniti Reasearch Simply Italy behind them and the sound was full and very alive.
Unfortunately, I have some limits. The speakers will be standing on the shelf 52cm from the floor. 20-23cm from a rear wall. And there is a limit in speakers height. Maximum ~33-34 cm.
What you would reccomend? Or maybe something different with good sound for Atom and my positioning?